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Months had passed since the chaotic events that had shaken Alistair's life. As he walked downtown Seattle, he felt a sense of normalcy slowly returning to his routine. The gunshot wound to his shoulder had healed for the most part, leaving behind a lingering ache from time to time, but nothing he couldn't manage.

The streets bustled with the life of the city, pedestrians weaving in and out of shops and office buildings. Alistair's eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the familiar sights and sounds. He had grown accustomed to the ebb and flow of Seattle's daily rhythm, and it provided him with a sense of comfort.

He was preparing for an important meeting, one that could shape the course of his future. Though he had tried to distance himself from the lingering consequences of Project Nivian, he couldn't ignore the reality that it had become intertwined with his life. His encounter with August had opened his eyes to the potential of their shared energy, and now he was ready to embrace it.

His steps were confident as he walked toward his destination, his mind clear and focused. The challenges he had faced in recent months had given him a new perspective, one that he had never expected to have. He had found a balance between his independence and his need for connection with August and Eli.

As he approached the building where his meeting would take place, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and determination. He was ready to take control of his path, to navigate the complexities that lay ahead. His past experiences had made him stronger, more resilient, and he was ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

Entering the building, he straightened his posture and took a deep breath, readying himself for the meeting. He knew he had the skills and knowledge to handle whatever was thrown his way. With a nod to the security guard, he made his way to the elevator, his thoughts filled with a sense of purpose.

This was a new chapter in his life, one he would face with confidence and resilience. Alistair was ready to seize the opportunities that lay ahead, knowing that his journey had only just begun.

Alistair entered the coffee shop inside the building, his steps steady but his mind still working to process all that had transpired in the past few months. As he scanned the room, his eyes fell on Starling, seated at a corner table. Starling appeared much the same as he had in San Diego—composed and confident, though his wary look suggested he was still on guard.

"Mr. Starling," Alistair greeted with a nod as he took a seat across from him. "Looks like we're back where we started."

Starling offered a faint smile, though his demeanor remained cool. "Alistair, what a surprise. What brings you here?"

"I could say the view of the waterfront," Alistair replied dryly, glancing out the window. "But we both know it's not about the scenery."

Starling raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "I'm listening."

Alistair reached into his bag and pulled out a new hard drive, placing it on the table between them. "I've come to return the files to you—at no cost," he said, his voice even.

Starling studied him, a hint of suspicion in his gaze. "And why would you do that?" he asked, his tone curious.

"Because I don't need another round of chaos in my life," Alistair replied with a shrug. "And I don't think you want another hacker turning your life upside down either."

Starling nodded slightly, appreciating Alistair's bluntness. "Fair enough."

Alistair leaned forward, his gaze locking with Starling's. "I know what Project Nivian is," he began, his words careful. "I know how my mother was involved, and at one point in her life, she believed there could be good from it."

Starling's expression softened slightly. He had known Alistair's mother, and he seemed to understand the weight of the situation. "I see," he said quietly. "And what do you want from me?"

"I want your word that you won't use Project Nivian malevolently," Alistair said, his voice firm. "Promise me you'll seek to understand its potential without causing harm. If you can do that, I'll leave you to it."

Starling considered Alistair's words for a moment, weighing the request. "You have my word," he said finally. "I'll proceed with caution and integrity."

Alistair nodded, satisfied with the agreement. "Good," he said, pushing the hard drive closer to Starling. "Because I'm not interested in any more wild chases, and neither are you."

Starling chuckled at Alistair's bluntness. "No, I suppose not," he agreed.

The two men stood up, shaking hands in a gesture of mutual respect and agreement. Alistair felt a sense of closure, knowing he had done what he could to ensure that Project Nivian would be used wisely.

As he walked down the street in Seattle, Alistair took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He had found resolution in a part of his life he hadn't expected to revisit, and now he could focus on the road ahead. The freedom to chart his own course and the morning sun warming his face as he walked instilled in him a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. He was ready to take on a new day, a new chapter in his journey.

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