Chapter 5

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The hallway was clear as Alistair and August slipped out of the holding room. Alistair had made sure to check their surroundings, ensuring no one was nearby as they made their escape. With August apprehended, the lockdown of the hotel had lessened, but Alistair knew there were still staff members stationed at each exit. Walking out openly would be impossible.

"So how are we getting out?" August asked in a hushed voice as they moved through the corridor.

Alistair searched for a viable escape plan, his mind racing. "I'm working on it," he replied, trying to sound confident despite the uncertainty of the situation. His initial choice of escape route was still the stairwell with an exterior door near the basement. However, they were on the opposite side of the conference center, making the journey treacherous.

The distance they needed to cover was significant, and if the wrong person spotted either of them, their chance of escape would vanish. The urgency weighed heavily on Alistair as he navigated the halls, leading August through the quiet, dimly lit corridors. Every step felt like a gamble, the risk of being caught looming large in their minds.

Out of the corner of his eye, Alistair spotted a fire alarm. It was a risky idea, but at the moment, he couldn't think of any other way out. He turned back to August, his expression serious and determined. "You've got to do exactly as I say, alright?"

August nodded, too frightened to speak.

Alistair gestured toward the elevator on the other side of the conference center. "When I give the signal, you walk over to that stairwell and go down." He emphasized the instructions, knowing the chaos that was about to unfold. "You do not run. You do not draw any attention to yourself. It's going to get a little chaotic, but do not stand out. Understand?"

August nodded again, his anxiety evident.

"But how will I know what the signal is?" August asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Alistair gave him a confident look. "You'll know," he replied. Without another word, he stepped over to the fire alarm and pulled it, setting off the blaring sound.

The fire alarm blared through the hallways, its shrill sound jarring August's already frayed nerves. A calm voice over the intercom urged attendees to exit the building in an orderly fashion. "Attention, all guests. Please proceed to the nearest exit in a calm and timely manner. Do not use the elevators. Thank you for your cooperation."

August took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. His mind raced as he and Alistair quickly blended in with the crowd of people making their way toward the exits. He moved with purpose, yet he couldn't shake the lingering fear that someone would recognize him as the man falsely accused.

The noise and commotion provided a natural cover for their escape, but August's anxiety threatened to bubble over as he walked. His heart pounded in his chest, the enormity of the situation weighing heavily on him. He had never been in such a perilous position, and the thought of what might happen if they were caught gnawed at him.

As they crossed the conference center, August followed Alistair's lead, focusing on each step they took. He was careful not to draw any attention, despite the storm of emotions churning inside him. Fear, confusion, and anger vied for dominance within him, but he pushed them aside, determined to keep his head clear.

When they reached the stairwell, August's breath caught. The descent seemed to stretch on forever, each step echoing the pounding of his heart. He focused on putting one foot in front of the other, but the weight of the situation pressed down on him. The potential consequences of aligning himself with Alistair filled him with trepidation.

As they approached the alley, a glimmer of hope began to emerge within August. They were one step closer to freedom, yet the hesitation of making himself a guilty party in this chaotic mess weighed heavily on his chest. His rational mind screamed at him to tread carefully, but he found himself trusting Alistair despite the uncertainty.

Shadow Code: The Dual ConspiracyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora