Chapter 12

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August and Eli sat huddled together in the dimly lit office room, their hands and feet bound tightly. The oppressive atmosphere bore down on them, intensifying their anxiety. The unknown kidnapper, a shadowy figure whose face they couldn't quite make out, kept watch over them, his expression unreadable.

August's heart raced as they exchanged worried glances, his fear growing as the minutes passed. His younger brother's trembling form beside him only heightened his distress. The unknown future weighed heavily on him, and he struggled to think of a way out of this nightmare.

The kidnapper took a phone call in the corner of the room. August and Eli strained to catch snippets of the conversation, but it was mostly muffled. They watched as the kidnapper nodded occasionally, his gaze shifting between them and the floor.

After a few moments, the kidnapper ended the call and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He turned his attention back to August and Eli, his eyes cold and calculating. "You're to stay right here," he said, his voice low and menacing. "If I don't hear from my boss in the next two hours, you'll both be dead."

August's fear surged at the threat, his hands clenching tightly in his lap. He knew the stakes were high, but hearing the kidnapper's orders was a jarring reality check. His mind raced, searching desperately for a plan, but the fear clouded his thoughts.

Eli's voice trembled as he whispered to August, "You have to get us out of here. Please, August, we can't stay."

August's stomach churned as he looked at his brother's pleading face. He knew he had to act, but the weight of responsibility and fear was crushing. He felt like he was running out of time to save them both. "I know, Eli," he whispered back, trying to sound reassuring despite his uncertainty.

The kidnapper shifted his gaze to them, his watchful eyes keeping them silent. August and Eli fell quiet, their hopes of escape dimming in the face of the kidnapper's threat. The moments dragged on, each second feeling like an eternity as they grappled with their situation.

August's thoughts turned to Alistair, hoping his brother was making progress on his end and could find a way to save them. He knew he had to stay strong for Eli's sake, even though he felt a knot of dread twisting in his chest.

As they waited in silence, August's fear and helplessness gnawed at him. His mind raced, trying to think of any way to save himself and Eli from the kidnapper's grasp. The desperation in Eli's eyes fueled his determination, but he struggled to form a clear plan. He knew the clock was ticking, and their lives hung in the balance.


Alistair's anger simmered as he stared down Gregory, the threat against August and Eli weighing heavily on him. The thought of his brother and Eli in danger gnawed at him, creating a knot of fear and frustration in his chest. He couldn't allow this man to use his family as leverage. He needed answers and a plan.

"What exactly do you want from me, Gregory?" Alistair demanded, his voice laced with fury. "Spit it out. What twisted endgame do you have in mind?"

Gregory's smile returned, a touch of satisfaction in his expression. "I've told you already, Alistair," he said smoothly. "I want the hard drive you stole for me. And I want your undying loyalty."

Alistair scoffed at the audacity of the request. "Undying loyalty? You think you can just snap your fingers and I'll come running? Please, I'm not one of your hired lackeys."

Gregory chuckled softly, as though the notion amused him. "Not buy, no. But I can offer you more than you've ever imagined. Power, influence, a chance to make a real difference in the world."

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