Chapter 7

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The vibrant streets of downtown San Diego pulsed with life as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the bustling city. Alistair had spent the day gathering information on Starling's itinerary, planning his next move with precision. Now, he found himself across the street from a cozy Italian bistro with outdoor seating, where Starling was expected to have dinner with someone from the conference.

Alistair blended in with the crowd, his casual attire allowing him to observe the scene without drawing attention. He sipped his coffee, using the routine action to steady himself as he watched for any sign of Starling's arrival. The hum of conversation and clinking of cutlery offered a comfortable background, but Alistair's mind was far from at ease.

His thoughts drifted between his plans and the risks he faced. He knew he had to stay sharp, but his newfound bond with August weighed heavily on him. Alistair felt a responsibility to protect his brother, a family connection he had never known before. The need to navigate the dangerous waters of Starling's world while keeping August safe left him conflicted.

On one hand, Alistair's instincts pushed him to focus on the job at hand, to take the necessary risks to uncover the truth about Project Nivian and those involved. But on the other hand, he found himself torn by a desire to shield his brother from the darkness he had spent so many years navigating.

The juxtaposition of these two worlds—work and family—tugged at Alistair's heart, creating an undercurrent of anxiety. He knew he had to find a balance between the two, but the path forward seemed fraught with challenges. Still, he resolved to stay vigilant and patient, knowing that one wrong move could jeopardize not just his own future, but August's as well.

As he waited across the street from the bistro, Alistair kept his gaze fixed on the entrance, his emotions a complex mix of determination and apprehension. He was ready for what was to come, whatever the cost.

Alistair's gaze locked onto the entrance of the bistro as he watched a sleek black car pull up to the curb. Starling stepped out, his posture exuding confidence and his demeanor polished. He was dressed sharply, his appearance fitting the image of a successful, high-profile businessman.

Alistair's heart quickened as he watched Starling greet a host and be led to his table on the outdoor patio. Starling's table was set off to one side, a little removed from the bustling crowd, likely chosen for its privacy. Starling took his seat and adjusted his jacket, settling in as he prepared for his dinner engagement.

Ditching his coffee, Alistair crossed the street with determination, weaving through the crowd with an intensity that drew no attention. He moved with a sense of purpose, closing the distance to the bistro with each confident step. Alistair approached Starling's table, a focused glint in his eyes.

Starling glanced up, initially not recognizing Alistair. But as Alistair drew closer, Starling's expression shifted to one of realization. A brief flicker of surprise crossed Starling's face before he composed himself, offering a thin smile as he assessed the situation.

Alistair greeted him with a cool, composed demeanor. "Hello, Starling," he said, his voice measured and firm.

Starling's smile wavered slightly as he replied, "Hello," trying to gauge Alistair's intentions. Alistair's presence at the bistro seemed unexpected, and Starling's curiosity and wariness were palpable as he awaited Alistair's next move. "What can I help you with?"

Alistair offered Starling a confident smile. "I think the real question is, what can I help you with?" he replied, his tone teasing, yet laced with a hint of menace.

Starling tilted his head slightly, his expression one of bemusement. "Whatever do you mean?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I think you know exactly what I mean," Alistair said, the challenge clear in his voice. "I have the hard drive, and I know what's on it."

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