Chapter 11

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Alistair approached the office building owned by Adam Gregory in the pre-dawn darkness. The streets were eerily quiet, with only a few early morning workers and commuters passing by. The towering glass structure loomed over him, a stark and imposing presence against the dark sky. This was Gregory's domain, and Alistair was stepping into it with one purpose in mind: to confront the man about Project Nivian and put a stop to whatever he was planning.

The early hour of 4:30 a.m. added a layer of solitude to the setting, which suited Alistair's needs. He preferred to work in the shadows, away from prying eyes and the bustle of the day. But the stillness of the city also gave him a sense of unease. He couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him, knowing he needed to act with precision and caution.

He carefully scoped out the building as he walked around it, noting the various entrances and exits. The lobby was empty at this hour, offering him a chance to slip in unnoticed. He also took note of the security guards posted at the entrance, their movements slower due to the early morning quiet.

Alistair's mind raced with possible plans of entry. He knew the building would have top-notch security measures, especially around the penthouse office space, where Gregory was likely located. He needed to find a way to gain access without raising suspicion or triggering alarms.

One possibility was the service entrance, which he guessed would be less guarded and potentially offer him a discreet way in. Another option was blending in with the employees entering the building, though he knew there would be few at this hour.

As he observed the flow of people entering and exiting the building, he felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He knew the risks he was taking, and the early hour made him feel more vulnerable. The empty streets and quiet atmosphere only heightened his sense of isolation.

Alistair took a moment to watch the guards at the entrance, noting their movements and how they checked IDs. He needed to find the perfect moment to slip inside undetected, all while keeping his emotions in check.

He also considered the surrounding buildings and areas, planning possible escape routes or places to hide if needed. He needed to have a clear plan in case things didn't go as expected.

Despite the stillness of the early hour, Alistair knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down. He was aware that he might be walking into a confrontation with a dangerous opponent, but he also knew he couldn't back down. The stakes were too high.

His focus remained on his goal: getting into Gregory's office and confronting him. The early hour offered him the cover of darkness, but it also reminded him of the importance of timing and precision. He needed to move swiftly and confidently, with the weight of August and Eli's longterm safety on his shoulders.

Despite his initial plans to find a discreet way into the building, the urgency of the situation pushed Alistair to make a bold move. He opted for the main door, knowing full well that security would notice him. Time was of the essence, and he needed to get inside quickly to confront Adam Gregory.

As he approached the main entrance, his heart raced with anticipation. He was fully aware of the risk he was taking, but he knew he had to trust himself and his abilities. He couldn't afford to waste any more time.

When Alistair reached the entrance, the security guards promptly stepped forward to stop him. "Sir, this area is restricted. Can we see your ID?" one of them demanded, their stance firm and watchful.

Alistair felt the energy within him awaken, a sensation he had never experienced so acutely before. In that moment, he summoned the powers he knew he possessed, focusing his mind on persuading the guards that he belonged there.

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