Chapter 8

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Eli Hudson emerged from the school's main entrance with a light step, his blond hair catching the late afternoon sun. His lean frame carried an air of confidence as he walked down the front steps, a smile on his face as he chatted with his friends. The group of teenagers shared inside jokes and laughed as they made their way toward the parking lot.

Eli's sharp blue eyes sparkled with the energy of youth, his relaxed demeanor reflecting his comfort in the high school setting. He said his goodbyes to his friends, exchanging playful jabs and promising to catch up with them later. The camaraderie he felt with them brought a sense of ease after a long day.

As his friends drove away, Eli lingered for a moment, enjoying the crisp afternoon air and the freedom it represented. His thoughts turned briefly to his older brother, August. Their relationship was sometimes tense due to the age gap and the high expectations their parents placed on them both.

August was often seen as the golden child, able to do no wrong in their parents' eyes. This sometimes created friction between the brothers, as Eli struggled to carve out his own identity and achievements apart from August's shadow. Despite the tension, Eli couldn't deny that August was always there for him when he needed him.

August's easygoing nature and down-to-earth personality made him a refuge for Eli whenever the pressure at home became too much. August always kept his door open, offering a place to escape and talk things through, which Eli deeply appreciated.

As he turned away from the school, Eli took a moment to breathe in the cool air, his mind at ease. He was looking forward to spending time with August over the weekend, a chance to catch up and find some peace in his brother's company. Little did he know that his journey home would soon take an unexpected turn.

Eli was about to make his way home when he heard his friend Angelo calling out to him. He turned to see Angelo jogging up to him, a grin on his face and a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Yo, Eli!" Angelo greeted him, slightly out of breath. "You want to come over tonight? My mom made that pasta you love, and we can play some games after." His invitation was filled with excitement, and Eli felt a pang of disappointment knowing he had to decline.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Man, I wish I could," he said with genuine regret. "But I have chores and homework to catch up on. My parents would kill me if I'm not home on time."

Angelo's smile faltered, but he nodded understandingly. "Alright, man. I get it," he said, though Eli could tell he was a bit disappointed. "Maybe another time then?"

"For sure," Eli agreed, giving Angelo a reassuring pat on the back. "I'll catch you later this week, alright?"

Angelo nodded, his grin returning. "Sounds good. See you later, Eli!" He gave a quick wave before turning to join another group of friends waiting by the parking lot.

Eli watched Angelo go, feeling a mix of longing and responsibility. He wished he could join his friend, but he knew he had to prioritize his obligations. With a resigned sigh, he turned back toward his journey home, ready to face his duties before he could unwind for the evening.

Eli waved goodbye to Angelo and the other friends before setting off on his usual walk home. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow on the streets as he made his way through the familiar neighborhood. His steps were steady, though his thoughts were on edge as he anticipated the homework and chores waiting for him at home.

As he walked, an unsettling feeling washed over him. A vehicle seemed to be driving slowly behind him, its engine a constant, low hum. Eli cast a glance over his shoulder, his pulse quickening at the sight of a dark sedan trailing him. His heart raced, and he tried to convince himself it was just someone going in the same direction.

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