Chapter 9

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Alistair quickly returned to his computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he searched for any clues or leads that might help them locate Eli. His expression was intense, his focus entirely on the screen in front of him.

"Where do you think they took him?" August asked nervously. "Also, who took him?"

Alistair didn't respond, completely absorbed in his work. He combed through various sources of information, hoping to find anything that could help him track down the people who had taken Eli.

"Alistair?" August asked again, his concern growing as he watched his brother work.

Alistair growled in frustration and turned to August, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Oh my god, just let me work!" he exclaimed, but as soon as he saw the hurt look on August's face, he felt a pang of regret. "I'm sorry, dude," he muttered, softening his tone. "Look, the only person other than Starling who would want to screw me over for this hard drive is the guy who hired me to steal it from Starling in the first place."

"Who is that?" August asked, his voice filled with worry and urgency.

Alistair shook his head. "I don't know," he admitted, his frustration evident. "That's what I'm trying to find out. We never spoke directly, so I don't have a name."

August tried to remain calm, but the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. "How can we find Eli if we don't even know who took him?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Alistair took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "Trust me, I'm working on it," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll find something, some clue that can lead us to Eli."

August nodded, knowing he had to trust his brother, even though he was desperate for answers. The uncertainty and fear were suffocating, but he tried to remain hopeful that Alistair would find a way to locate Eli before it was too late. The brothers knew they had to act quickly, as time was of the essence in their quest to save Eli.

Alistair's fingers flew across the keyboard, his focus narrowed on hacking into Hoss's computer via the chat platform he had set up years ago. His trust in Hoss had once been unshakable, but now he had to prioritize his brother's safety over past loyalties. As he worked, he fought the nagging voice in his head that whispered he was betraying his own moral code.

As he scanned through conversations, he stumbled upon exchanges between Hoss and a user named GORY. Alistair's heart sank as he dug deeper and uncovered the name and office address of Adam Gregory, a wealthy real estate man in Seattle. His breath hitched as memories of his childhood flashed through his mind—Gregory had been an unwanted presence in his past, someone who seemed to always linger around his mother.

"Mother fucker," he whispered, shocked and angered by the discovery. He cursed himself for not realizing it sooner. His mind raced with the implications of what he had found. Knowing that Eli's safety was likely in the hands of someone with a history that intertwined with his own past struck him with a sense of dread.

August, noticing Alistair's sudden tension, asked, "What is it?" His curiosity evident.

Alistair tried to compose himself, but he couldn't hide the turmoil he felt inside. "I know Starling's competition," he said, his voice filled with a mix of determination and regret. "Shit! I should have known this already!" He continued his search, sifting through Gregory's properties, searching for any sign of Eli's whereabouts.

August offered his help, but Alistair initially dismissed the idea, lost in his own thoughts. However, he quickly realized August could be of use. "Find us a flight to Seattle," he said, tossing August his wallet. "Use the black card."

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