Chapter 13

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August stood in the doorway, his face a mixture of shock and determination. He locked eyes with Alistair, and Alistair's heart surged with relief. August's sudden presence shifted the power dynamics in the room, catching both Alistair and Gregory off guard.

"August?" Alistair demanded, his voice laced with confusion and anger. He could see August standing strong, but he couldn't understand how his brother had managed to find him.

August's gaze remained fixed on Gregory, a fierce determination in his eyes. "Put the gun down," he said firmly, his voice steady. The fear for Alistair's safety burned in him, mingling with the unexpected strength that had coursed through him earlier when he'd freed Eli.

Behind August, Eli peeked into the room. Though he seemed nervous and shaken, he stood resolutely by his brother's side. Alistair's relief grew stronger at the sight of Eli. He was glad to see both of them safe, but the danger still loomed with Gregory's gun trained on them.

Gregory's gaze darted between the three of them, his confidence waning. He was outnumbered and outmaneuvered, and he knew it. But the gun in his hand still gave him an illusion of control.

"This doesn't concern you," Gregory said, his voice trembling with desperation. "You should have stayed out of it."

August took a step closer to his brother, fear evident in his eyes, but determination pushing him forward. "No," he replied, his voice shaking slightly. "You brought us into this, and now you're going to answer for it."

Alistair watched the scene unfold, trying to keep his nerves steady. He saw the cracks in Gregory's composure, how the tables had turned. August and Eli's unexpected arrival had rattled him.

August's heart pounded in his chest, but he remained firm, resolute. The memories of what Eli had been through fueled his anger. His brother had been kidnapped, threatened, and August himself had nearly lost his life trying to save him. He could not let Gregory slip away unscathed.

"You're finished, Gregory," Alistair said, taking the opportunity to drive the point home. "You've lost everything and now you're cornered. Put the gun down and let's end this before anyone gets hurt."

Gregory's face twisted in a snarl, his grip on the gun tightening. For a moment, it seemed like he might make a desperate move, but he was surrounded and out of options.

Alistair held his breath, waiting for Gregory's next move, hoping the confrontation wouldn't escalate. The brothers stood strong together, the tension in the room heavy as they faced off with their cornered enemy.

August's emotions were a swirl of anger and relief. He had never faced anything like this, but his loyalty to his family and his newfound determination anchored him. He had come too far to back down now. The brothers' unexpected arrival had shifted the power balance, and August hoped this would be enough to keep Alistair safe.

Gregory's desperation surged as he realized the full extent of his predicament. His once-formidable resources had been stripped away, leaving him powerless and on the verge of collapse.

"Fix this!" Gregory demanded, his voice trembling with anger. "Give me my money and all the rest back! This isn't a game, Alistair!"

Alistair, his mind racing to understand the situation, prepared to respond, but August spoke up first, cutting him off.

"It wasn't Alistair who did it," August said, his voice strong but steady. Both Gregory and Alistair turned their attention to him, their expressions a mix of horror and awe. August stood tall, ready to take responsibility for his actions.

"It was me," August continued. "Back at my house earlier, when I couldn't sleep, I decided to set up a trap for you, Gregory, in case things went south." He paused, meeting his brother's gaze, seeing the shock and a glimmer of pride in Alistair's eyes.

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