Chapter 2

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User is typing...


Friday is too late. I need this NOW.


I've got my best man on it. You need to not worry.


I do worry. As long as they have those files, I'm fucked.

You'll get your files. Trust me. Have I ever let you down?


Trust is a fickle thing. How well do you know your man, hm?


He's solid, I swear. Biggest asshole you'll ever meet, but he gets the job done. I wouldn't trust a novice with this. I know how...particular you are.


No need to make me the villain.


I would never. I was only-


I know, I know.


Look, the job's in good hands. My guy is already on the move, and he'll get the files back for you before you know it.


I hope you're right, Hoss. I can't afford any delays. My back is against the wall.


I understand the stakes. That's why I've assigned this to someone I trust completely.


What if something goes wrong? I don't want to find myself in a worse situation.


It won't come to that. My guy knows what he's doing. He's careful, and he's done this kind of thing before.


What kind of thing are we talking about here?


Let's just say he's handled more than his fair share of jobs like this one. He's discreet and efficient.


Fine. Just make sure it goes smoothly. I can't afford any loose ends.


You have my word. We'll get this sorted out without any complications. Trust me.


I'll hold you to that. Keep me updated.


You got it. I'll let you know as soon as we have the files.

...user has left the chat.


As soon as Alistair's flight landed in LA, he made his way to a relatively unassuming chain hotel and got a room. The modest accommodations suited his needs perfectly—a place to rest and plan without drawing unnecessary attention. He unpacked his essentials, ensuring his equipment was ready for his upcoming task, and then settled in for the night, preparing himself mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.

He had been in such a rush to get to San Diego that he hadn't yet figured out how exactly he was going to get in and steal Starling's hard drive. The hotel was a large place, and with a week-long international conference, Alistair knew there was a likely opportunity to slip in among the overhire staff the hotel would need to manage the event.

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