Chapter 15

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Alistair slowly drifted back to consciousness, his mind emerging from the fog of painkillers. The faint beeping of medical equipment and the sterile scent of a hospital room surrounded him. He could hear muffled voices and distant footsteps in the hallway, a stark contrast to the chaos he remembered leaving behind. His shoulder ached, but the pain was dulled by the medication they had given him.

His vision slowly came into focus, and he blinked, trying to clear his groggy mind. He gazed around the room, taking in the bright, cold fluorescent lights above and the sterile, white walls of the hospital. His heart sank a little, realizing he was truly alone—August and Eli were nowhere to be seen.

As he shifted slightly to test his mobility, Alistair winced at the sharp pain in his injured shoulder. It was a stark reminder of how close he had come to death. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself and gather his thoughts, feeling a sense of relief that he wasn't in excruciating pain.

The memory of August and Eli leaving him at the emergency room door weighed heavily on his heart. He remembered watching them leave, hoping they would stay safe. He felt a pang of sadness and loss, knowing that his brothers were now out of reach and possibly still in danger. He wished he could protect them, but for the moment, he needed to focus on his recovery.

A nurse entered the room, her expression calm and compassionate. "You're awake," she said, offering him a reassuring smile. "How are you feeling?"

Alistair tried to sit up, but the nurse gently pressed him back down. "Easy, take it slow," she advised. "You have a gunshot wound to your shoulder, but it's been treated. You're going to be alright."

"How long was I out?" Alistair asked, his voice raspy.

"Not too long," the nurse replied, checking his vital signs. "You were brought in early this morning. The doctors took care of you right away."

Alistair nodded, processing the information. He felt a wave of gratitude for the medical team who had treated him so quickly. If it weren't for August, he would have died. Gratitude was not a feeling Alistair often felt, but in this moment, it was nice to know that someone had cared to save him.

A tall, well-dressed man entered the hospital room, drawing Alistair's attention. The man wore a dark coat and jeans, and though he appeared casual, there was an air of authority about him that set Alistair on edge. He had a rugged, weathered look, as if he had seen his fair share of the world's challenges. His graying hair was neatly combed, and he carried himself with the confidence of someone who had been in high-pressure situations. His piercing blue eyes studied Alistair as he entered, the weariness of years of hard work evident in his lined face.

Alistair's suspicion was confirmed when he caught a glimpse of the man's badge on his belt. His pulse quickened, and his body tensed, searching for a way out. But he knew there was no chance of fleeing, not with his injured shoulder and the drugs in his system. His only option was to remain still and appear as calm as possible.

"Good morning," the man said, his voice steady.

"Hey," Alistair muttered, taking a slow breath, his gaze sharp and appraising.

"My name is Detective Cooper with the Seattle Police."

Alistair gave him a small wave of his fingers. "I assume you're here because cops get called for gunshots."

Cooper shook his head. "I'm here because there was a murder this morning. Real estate guy named Adam Gregory was found dead in his office."

Alistair did not react. "Crazy," he said, feigning disinterest. "So you're here to arrest me?"

Cooper smiled faintly. "I'm here because my daughter called me, because she loves her fiancé."

A realization hit Alistair hard. "You're Nikki's dad," he said softly, masking his surprise.

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