Chapter 4

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"Fuck, fuck fuck," Alistair whispered to himself.

He didn't know where to start. His mind was a chaotic mix of questions and whiskey, clouding his ability to formulate a plan. The shock of seeing his doppelgänger and the urgent need to help him overwhelmed his senses. His heart raced, and he struggled to keep himself composed.

Despite his best efforts, he felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him, making it difficult to think clearly. He tried to focus, but the room seemed to blur around him as he grappled with the reality of the situation. He had to act, but the path forward felt unclear.

Desperation clawed at him, urging him to take action, yet every option seemed fraught with risk. He forced himself to take a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts and gather his strength. He knew he couldn't afford to panic, but he needed a moment to regain his bearings and consider his next move.

Alistair dragged himself to a quiet corner of the hotel and took a deep breath. "I've got to find a way out," he thought, glancing around at the exits. He eyed a small alcove where an elevator and stair access door were located. With an air of nonchalance, he composed himself and walked over as if he were a guest returning to his room.

Once inside, he took the stairs down as far as they would go. He was relieved to discover that, due to the hill the hotel was built on, there was an exit door that led into an alley, as well as basement access at the bottom of the stairs. The escape route was tempting, offering the promise of freedom and safety.

Alistair felt a deep urge to run—no one would see him, and no one would know he was gone until he was already halfway back to Seattle. Yet, as he reached for the crash bar, he hesitated. The image of his doppelgänger's terrified face flashed through his mind. He couldn't abandon him now.

His mother's cryptic words echoed in his thoughts: "You weren't always alone" and "I miss your brother too sometimes." Alistair had often dismissed them as the ramblings of her struggles with drugs or alcohol, but there had always been a sliver of doubt. Now, faced with the striking resemblance of the man he saw, that sliver of doubt grew into a profound belief.

He knew he had to help the man—his twin, his secret. This realization stirred something deep within him, a long-buried truth finally coming to light. Alistair turned away from the door, his resolve firm as he vowed to save his doppelgänger and uncover the mysteries of his past.

Before he could talk himself out of it, Alistair turned away from the door and walked back up the stairs. His resolve grew stronger with each step. He knew he couldn't abandon his doppelgänger, not after the unsettling revelations he had just experienced.

First, he needed to find out where the guards were holding him. Only then could Alistair begin to formulate a plan to get him out safely. He steeled himself for the challenges ahead, his mind racing as he considered his options.

As he ascended the stairs, Alistair focused on the urgency of the situation, his instincts guiding him. He would have to move carefully and gather information discreetly, using his cunning to navigate the hotel without arousing suspicion. His doppelgänger's life—and perhaps his own future—depended on it.---

August was utterly taken aback when the hotel security team approached him. Behind them stood a well-dressed man whose piercing gaze conveyed anger and accusation, yet he remained silent.

"Sir, we need you to come with us," one of the security team members said, his voice firm and unyielding.

August raised his eyebrows in surprise, his heart sinking. "I'm sorry, what is this about?" he asked, his mind struggling to grasp the situation.

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