Eternally yours

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As I made my way down the aisle

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As I made my way down the aisle. Looking at Noah the tears began to form. And it took me back to the moment we first met. And now here I was. The mother of his child and about to be his wife.

I made my way to Noah as we held each others hands. Looking at my mother holding baby sebastian. I fanned the tears away.

"Welcome family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Noah & Sarah as they come together in marriage, they have decided to write their own vows, Noah you're up"

"My Sweet Sarah, you are not just my partner but my confidant, my laughter, and my solace. I promise to be your unwavering support, your shelter in the storm, and your calm amidst the chaos. I vow to hold your hand through life's uncertainties and to be the unwavering strength you can lean on. I promise to listen attentively, to share my hopes and fears, and to cherish every moment as we embark on this journey together. In times of struggle, I will be your rock, in times of joy, I will be your celebration. I vow to be your teammate in growth, pushing you to be your best self while nurturing our relationships growth. With you, I've discovered the purest form of love. I vow to love you unconditionally, to choose you each day and to honor our bond in every moment we share. From this day forward... eternally yours"

"Awww man how am I gonna top that one" I said tearfully laughing. Which made everyone else laugh.

I held the folded letter shaking I looked at Noah.

"Noah, I never knew the true meaning of love until you came along. You are my best friend, my confidant, and the love of my life. I vow to listen with an open heart and to share my dreams and fears with you fearlessly. I promise to be your cheerleader, your partner in growth, and your anchor when life's waters get rough. With you, I've discovered the true essence of love, and I vow to cherish and protect it with all that I am. I vow to love you unconditionally, to choose you every day and to honor the sacred bond we share, for now and for always... eternally yours baby"

"Hurry up man, I've gotta kiss her"

"Do you Noah take Sarah to be your wife"

"FUCK YE- I mean I do"

"And Sarah do you take Noah to be your husband?"

I just stared at him smiling. Like i was back to when I first saw him performing. And without hesitation.

"I do!"

"Noah, you can finally kiss your bride"

Noah grabbed my face so gently and kissed me. My mom handed sebastian to him and he was all smiles. They all cheered for us and I was in total bliss. I was complete. Everything I went through all made sense. Noah was my husband and I was his wife. And we had our own family. Something I've always wanted.

Baby sebastian slept in his stroller while Noah and I had our first dance together. We chose eternally yours by Motionless in white feat Crystal Joilena and it was perfect. I sang crystals part and Noah sang Chris's part of course. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones"

"I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end Eternally yours"

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