Mom & Dad

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"Noah wake up, I think my water just broke"

"Shit, shit, shit okay let's not panic"

"I'm definitely calm, just help me up"

He was frantically running around the room, gathering all of our things, chargers, diaper bag, laptops, iPads, snacks, and clothes. He ran out to the hall and yelled for the guys.

"It's time, the baby is coming wake up motherfuckers"

"NOAH!" I yelled, I was in excruciating pain.

"Holy shit" is all folio could get out.

As noah grabbed our things. The guys helped me in the car. They then followed us to the hospital.

"Omg this is really happening, noah I'm so scared"

"It'll be okay baby, we're almost there"

"What if something goes wrong noah, oh my God I don't know if I can do this"

"Everything will be fine baby don't worry"

I couldn't stop crying. The Pain and emotions were overwhelming. As we pulled up to the hospital Noah ran inside and got me a wheelchair.

"HURRY UP!!!!" I screamed

"Sarah he's coming don't worr-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at folio.

"Better do what she says dude" jolly said with a slight chuckle.

"Shit I'm sorry I'm just in a lot of pain right now"

"Sarah don't apologize I understan-"

"Come on baby" Noah said as he and the guys helped me into the wheelchair.

"We'll see you up there, good luck mom and dad" Nicholas said as he pulled away to park the car.

I got settled into a room and the nurse told us it was going to be a long night. Noah fed me ice chips and held my hand the entire time. I decided to get an epidural as the pain was just too much to bare.

"I think I need to push"

"NURSE!" Noah yelled out into the hall.

"Okay mom and dad, it's go time are you ready"

The doctor came in and everyone gathered around me. I watched as they all ran around the room.

"And push" the doctor said.

"Come on baby you can do it" Noah said as I squeezed his hand.

"Baby, I see his hair, you're doing so good, keep going"

I pushed and pushed and I heard his little whimpers. As they placed him onto my chest. I couldn't stop crying. I looked up at Noah and he kissed me on the forehead.

"Hey little man, oh I love you so much" I said as I kissed the top of his head.

"It's our baby boy" I laughed tearfully.

"He's so perfect" Noah said as he rubbed his little head.

"He's got my eyes and your chin, but who's nose?"

"Definitely mine babe" Noah said as he stared at him and smiled.

"Here go see your daddy"

Noah walked slowly to the rocking chair. In awe of our son. Seeing him on stage was another thing. But watching him as a daddy was beautiful. I stared at both of my boys thinking to myself. Everything that has happened brought us to this moment.

"So what's the little guys name"

Noah and I looked up at each other and as I smiled at him I said.

"Sebastian Lee Davis"

Noah began to cry. Sebastian after noah of course and Lee after my father.

The guys came to the room and each took turns holding sebastian.

"Dude he looks just like you but he has Sarah's eyes most definitely" jolly said as he rocked him back and forth.

"Okay give me my kid back" Noah said as he reached his arms out.

A few days later.

We were finally able to leave the hospital. And as we got home the guys had decorated the front of the house welcoming baby Sebastian home.

This is our home little man" Noah said as he held the carseat up. The guys helped me out of the car and took the car seat from Noah. We stood there for a moment staring at the welcome baby signs all over and he kissed me.

3 weeks later

It took me a while to get into the swing of things as now a mommy and a fiancé. I couldn't even think of wedding plans but our wedding was just a few months away and I was just overwhelmed. Noah and I took turns at night with Baby sebastian and I was thankful for his help. But I felt bad because he was trying to finish a song which was shortly going to be released. Our life was now baby, dirty diapers, late night feedings and music. The stress certainly got the best of us at times.

"Have you thought about the wedding at all"

"No, noah I haven't to be honest with you, with little Sebastian here it's hard to focus on anything else"

"Isn't chrissy helping?"

"Yes she is, she sends me all kinds of stuff but maybe we should just put it off a while longer"

The postpartum depression was getting to me and I was just under a lot of stress. I didn't mean to take it out on noah but I couldn't help it.

"Here give me little man, you go take a long hot bath"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course go on baby we will be here waiting"

As I stepped out of the shower I heard music coming from Noah's office. I peeked into the room and saw him holding Sebastian singing his new song to him.

"That's daddys new song for his friend keaton, do you like it little man"

A slight grin formed on baby Sebastian's face and it melted my heart. I walked up to them and gave them both a kiss. "Okay let's get this wedding planning started"

8 months later.

Our wedding was literally around the corner but the guys had a few shows lined up and it was the first time sebastian was gonna see his daddy and uncles perform. I was so excited.

"Look at daddy, he's silly huh"

Noah began playing peek-a-boo with sebastian with his ski mask on. And he just giggled every time.

"Oh my goodness I just love you so much little man"

"Say good luck daddy, we will be watching"

He gave us both a kiss and made his way to the stage. I put Sebastian's ear muffs on as we followed noah and the guys. The lights were up and sebastian clapped and kicked his feet while laughing. I started tearing up.


I gasped real loud "DID YOU JUST SAY DA-DA"

"Say yay daddy" sebastian clapped his hands as the guys made their way off stage and noah embraced us both.

"Babe he just tried to say da-da"

"And I missed it, come on little man do it again, say da-da"

Sebastian just giggled.

"Aw well maybe another time"

"He loved the show, he was clapping and kicking his little feet"

As I smiled at Sebastian Noah lifted my chin up.

"I can't wait to marry you next week, i love you so much"

"I love you too now go shower you stink"

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