Oh baby

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"Sarah babe, are you alright"

"I'm fine, it must have been the eggs or something"

Ah the joys of morning sickness. It hit me hard. I still had to figure out a way to tell Noah. I hated keeping this a secret from him but he has his whole life ahead of him with this band. How's he's gonna feel about a baby?

"Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor?"

"No, no I'm fine really"

I've already been seeing a doctor secretly. I managed to go when Noah was out with the guys.

"This has been happening almost every morning now are you sure you're okay"

"Yes Noah I'm fine"

"Whatever you say, I'm gonna head to the studio with the guys were recording that song today"


"Sounds great babe, I'll be here when you get back"

"You could come along if you want"

"No thats okay I'm still feeling pretty sick to my stomach I'm just gonna hangout here today"

"Alright if you need me don't hesitate to call, I love you"

"I love you be careful"

"No I still haven't told him"

"Sarah just tell him, I'm excited to be an auntie"

"I know chris I'm just scared, I wasn't asking for this ya know"

"I know but maybe you should have kept your hands off Noah" she laughed.

"Listen I was making up for lost time okay"

I got silent for a moment and chrissy was right.

"Tonight, I'll make him some dinner and I'll tell him"

"Sounds good let me know how it goes, I love you"

"I love you too"

I rubbed my belly and imagined a little family with Noah. I had visions of me holding our baby on the side stage watching Noah and the guys. A little baby omens. I laughed to myself. Gosh I hope this goes well.

It was almost 6 so Noah would be walking through the door in no time. I made one of his favorites. Sushi. The smell alone made me gag. And a side salad for myself. Just looking at the sushi I ran to bathroom and got sick.

"Babe, I'm home are you okay" Noah said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'll be out in just a minute"

I walked out of the bathroom and noah was smiling.

"What's all this"

"I just wanted to surprise you, I made you some sushi and a side salad for myself"

"You made it? You didn't go out and buy it"

"Nope I made it myself, I hope you like it"

"That's sweet of you baby, thank you"

"So how's the song coming along?" I asked as I took small bites of my salad.

"Great, but it's rough for me ya know, I just really miss him"

"I know you do babe, he would be so proud of you"

He just smiled slightly and reached for my hand.

"I needed this, thank you baby"

"You're so welcome, uh Noah i-"

I stammered as he practically inhaled his sushi roll.

"Oh god"

I ran to the bathroom and noah ran after me. I couldn't even shut the door because he was right behind me.

"Sarah that's it you need to see a doctor, clearly something is wrong"

I stood up and wiped my face with a washcloth and stared at Noah.

"Yeah you're right Noah and I've already seen a doctor but the thing is I'm not sick"

"What do you mean you've already seen a doctor? And you haven't been able to keep anything down something is obviousl-"

"Noah I'm pregnant"

He didn't say anything. I was waiting for a reaction but he was just standing there. I reached out for his hands but he brushed me off.

"I'm sorry I was waiting for the right time to tell you and I thought over dinner would be the way to do it ya know?"

Still nothing.

"Noah will you say something?"

"I'm just a little shocked I guess, uh Sarah I'm gonna go for a walk for a minute, um I yeah"

He walked out the door and I felt frozen. Does he not want this baby? Maybe he is just scared. I gave him his space and cleaned up the kitchen. Looking back at the door over and over. Wondering what he's thinking right now.

It was almost midnight and as I got out of the shower i heard the front door shut. Scared of what Noah had to say. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and walked to the bedroom and saw Noah. He reeked of alcohol.

"Hi baby" he said drunkenly trying to kiss me.

"Oh god Noah how much did you drink" I said trying to push him off of me.

"Just a few shots" he said as he grabbed my face close to his.

"A few my ass, god you smell awful, here let's get you in the shower"

"Oh yeah thats how you want it in the shower huh" he said trying to take my towel off.

"Noah stop come on" I said trying to get his clothes off of him. But it was a struggle. He fell to the floor and was then up on his knees.

"Hi in there I'm your daddy, your very stupid drunk daddy" he said as he placed his hand on my stomach.

"Noah, stop it, get up and let's get you in the shower"

I washed his back and his hair. Watching the water flow down his body. Placing a few kisses on his back.

"I'm gonna be a daddy" he said softly.

"Yes you are"

"I'm sorry I left and got drunk babe"

"It's okay Noah it's a big change for the both of us"

"I love you both so much"

"We love you too, come on let's get you to bed"

Now usually Noah is the one holding me in bed. But I guess it was his turn to be the little spoon. I played with his hair until he fell asleep. And he held onto me with his hand over my belly. Oh what an adventure this is going to be.


"Holy shit, it's really happening! You're gonna be a daddy!" Folio yelled.

"I never thought I'd see the day" Nicholas added.

"Me either dude" Noah said as he held my hand.

"Well congratulations to you both, this is exciting" jolly said as he gave us both a hug.

"So what do you think the baby is going to be" Noah asked as he rubbed my belly.

"I kind of feel like it's a girl but I'll be happy either way"

I looked up at Noah and he looked stoned face.

"You want a boy don't you?"

"I just want a healthy baby"

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