Boy or Girl?

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8 months later

We've been back on tour for a few months now and as a pregnant woman it was in no way shape or form easy. I waddled everywhere. The guys kind of made fun of me for it. But this little baby loves the music most definitely. Kicking all over the place when they played.

"My feet are so swollen"

"But you're still so beautiful"

I was not. I was losing color. I had a hard time eating most days and sleep? What is sleep. I was constantly running to bathroom in the middle of the night. This baby is a stubborn one. You mix Noah and I together well it just makes sense.

"I don't feel beautiful Noah, I feel like a huge whale"

"Hey I happen to like whales, what's wrong with that?"

"Alright Noah let's go, you ready" folio said as he walked into the dressing room.

"Baby help me up" I asked Noah

"Okay babe stand at th-"

"The side stage I know I know, I've been doing this for a while ya know?"

"Good luck baby" I said as I kissed him.

As I stood at the side stage watching them perform their last song I felt a sudden sharp pain. Which brought me down to my knees. The crew immediately ran to my side. Trying to help me up. So many people surrounded me I didn't even notice the music stopped and noah was right in front of me.

"Baby what's going on"

"Noah she needs to go to the hospital" a crew member said frantically.

"Is it time, is the baby coming?!" Jolly said excitedly.

"I hope not, it's not tim-" I tried to say but the pain was too much to handle.

"Well your baby is fine, those were just Braxton hicks contractions"

"What does that mean?" Noah asked.

"Practice contractions babe" I said as I reached for his hand.

"Yes, well I want you to take it easy, no heavy lifting, just try to relax as much as possible" the doctor ordered.

How am I gonna take it easy on a tour? Especially one like this. I did good staying away from the crowd. And if I wasn't in the dressing room. I was on the bus or in some hotel laying around waiting for Noah. I kept myself busy by planning our gender reveal party which we would be going home for soon. I was looking forward to a break from the touring so we could focus on bringing this baby into the world.


It was gender reveal day! And the only ones who know the gender are the guys. Chrissy and Derek flew in for the special occasion. The backyard was decorated in blue and pink but our way of course. Noah really wanted a boy but I was going to be happy no matter what we were having.

"Baby I have a surprise for you"

"Mama!" I yelled running up to her. And followed behind was my sister and my brother. I was overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't hold back the tears.

"Oh honey, noah made sure we got to be here for this, he's a great man Sarah"

"I know mama, I just wish daddy could be here ya know?"

"He is Sarah don't worry" my sister added.

"Yeah and I bet he's laughing right now at the fact you're about to have a mini you running around" my brother said as he laughed.

"Shut up" I said smacking my brother.

"Thank you Noah I love you"

"Of course baby" he said as he kissed me.

The guys walked up to us grinning. They have known the gender for weeks now and have had a hard time keeping it a secret.

"Can we just tell you now" jolly said impatiently.

"No!" I yelled.

"But it's so hard to keep it in, I've never been able to keep a secret in my life" folio said

"They will know shortly guys calm down" Nicholas said as he gave me hug.

"I love you guys thank you all so much for being apart of this with us"

"Hey were gonna be the best uncles this kid has ever had" Folio said.

"Uh hello best auntie over here" chrissy said as she hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're here chris"

"Hey I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world"

"Where's Derek?"

"He's over there somewhere, yeah he and I aren't gonna workout I don't think"

"What do you mean why what's going on?"

"Let's not talk about it today, today is about you, noah and the baby, so let's have a good day okay?"

"Alright everyone listen up" Noah addressed our friends and family and held me close.

"I just wanna thank everyone for being here today, for Sarah and I. We love all of you and we couldn't ask for better friends or family, it certainly hasn't been easy for Sarah and I but we got through it. So with that being said"

He got down on one knee and..

"Baby, will you marry me?"

I held onto my belly and cried. Is this really happening?

"Yes!" I said as noah picked me up and kissed me.

Everyone cheered and my mom cried of course.

"I hope this wedding is gonna be after I have the baby" I laughed as I wiped my tears.

"If that's what you want babe, I'd marry you right this second if I could"

The ring was so beautiful. Everyone crowded around me to look at it. My fingers were a little swollen so it didn't fit me that well but that didn't matter to me. I was about to find out the gender of our baby and got engaged. I was so overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't stop crying.

We all ate and discussed wedding plans and the baby. I noticed the guys getting set up to reveal the gender and I was nervous but excited.

"Alright mom and dad get your asses up here" jolly motioned us to stand in front of the "It's a..." sign.

Noah and I faced each other and held hands. I was giggling and crying at the same time. Noah was laughing at my emotional self. We just stared at each other and I remembered the first time we met. Who would have thought it would bring me here to this very moment.

"Baby davis is a...." the guys yelled at the same time.

Noah and I gripped our hands tighter and tighter in anticipation. We looked at each other then at the guys waiting for the smoke to come out of folios drum set. He's been waiting for this moment for a while. As he played we watched the smoke erupt. Noah and I screamed and I jumped into his arms. Both of us crying.

"BOY!" Everyone screamed.

"Oh god a mini me, baby what have you got yourself into" Noah said as he laughed.

"I guess we'll find out" I said as I kissed him.

Our friends and family gathered around us. Tears were flowing. A little baby boy was about to be apart of this family and i was in total bliss.

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