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"I don't have a girlfriend" Sebastian replied to Eka's question.

"Too busy with the sports?" Arson asked walking towards the exit door

"May be or maybe not. However my mom was telling me to find someone and settle down in the upcoming years" he said as they stops by the bus to wait for others.

"What's your plan then?" Eka questioned

"I don't know. Last time I asked Zaid and Jungkook for the advise and it made the situation more complicated for me" he shook his head with a chuckle

"What? Why?" Eka laughed

"Trust me guys; never ask them for advice; especially for relationship" he points "On one hand Zaid was telling me the pros of getting a girlfriend and the ways I would find my love. However Jungkook?" he held his forehead "He scared me by telling the horrible possibilities"

"Seriously?" Eka asked in amusement "He don't like relationships?"

"I have no idea. He was saying that-" Sebastian was going to explain when Arson cuts him of

"Guys I'm going in" she said moving towards the bus door with a distressed face

"Did I say something wrong? She sounded upset" he asked perplexed.

Eka looked at Arson's face and frowned thinking

'Am I missing something?'



This place has a lot of areas that are constructed to resemble different countries. There is a place named Korean town; which looks like some Korean streets. They sell Korean stuff like food, clothes, makeup and other stuff.

It's not only Korea but also other countries' mini version of is also constructed there. We can visit Greek Town, Portugal Village, Little Tokyo, Little India, Little Italy, Little Poland ans so on.

 We can visit Greek Town, Portugal Village, Little Tokyo, Little India, Little Italy, Little Poland ans so on

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Little Italy

↑Little Italy

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