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Have you ever been on a road trip?

If yes, then you must be familiar with the situation which Arson is facing right now.

What if I tell you that they are standing in the middle of the famous grand pacific drive of Sydney when the sun is about to set and the fuel tank of their campervan is empty? Quite an adventure right?

On the other hand she have eight people, with whom she is stuck in this situation. 

And these eight characters are part of probably everyone's road trip. For example a man who was puking all the way; here it is Sebestian a Canadian boy who is probably suffering from motion sickness.

Also, there are always two crazy heads like Hikari and Eka who fights for the front seat (even when there is no sign for the vehicle to start). 

Then there is a man who is in-charge of the whole planning; from the spots they would stop at, to the budget of the trip (basically the parent of the trip). That's our man Chris; who is currently busy in contacting people for the arrangement of a fuel can.

Somewhere in the world is a person who had no fuckin idea about the situation, the person who is sleeping peacefully on the back seat of their caravan. Meet their new traveler cum sloth Daniel, our sweet Eka's lovely boyfriend. Although our sweet Eka is not looking so sweet while dragging Hikari out of the seat.

And how can we forget about the man who is time to time updating his girlfriend about his whereabouts; that's our boy Kofi. But here the difference is that, Arson knows her girlfriend is among the travelers; thanks to the moans that she heard back in Meghalaya, hiding in the cupboard with Jungkook.

Well talking about Jungkook. What do you think what type of a road trip traveler he might be here? Some of you might have guessed by now. 

He is the one who is an unofficial photographer who is interested in capturing the whole trip and the candid pictures of everyone.

Now coming to our main character Arson, who is sitting at the edge of the road and observing the hardcopy of map which mentions their visiting places in Australia.

"Chris baby how long will it take? That girl over there is not letting me sit on the front seat" Hikari complained to her guide boyfriend while teasing out her tongue towards Eka; who mirrored back fyi.

"They will be here in a minute or two. The caravan in which Zaid is traveling have few spare fuel cans. They are on their way back here. And about the seat?" Chris pulled Hikari towards him by her waist before speaking "What's better than my lap for you?"

And with these words she blushed and slaps his chest "Then what about the thing that will pop out after that?" she commented, making Chris a bit taken aback. 

Arson; who was sitting back facing them; unfortunately heard the whole conversation. She buried her head in her hands while thinking that they are truly the 'match made in comic books'.

After what seems like eternity they were provided with a fuel can and headed towards their hotel. They stayed at a hotel which is at a seven minute walking distance from Byron Bay Golf Course. That's how their last three days of first week went.


<Byron Bay Lighthouse>

<Byron Bay Lighthouse>

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