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"What are you doing here?" he asked in panic

"Nothing just wanted to use the washroom" she replied with a poker face

He gave her way and came out.

"Did she hear it? No-no, I am just over thinking" he convinced himself before going to his bed.


"What was that? Was he masturbating imagining me? No-no it can't be true. But..But I definitely heard my name in the end" she questioned herself, looking in the mirror





Arson and Jungkook boarded in the flight. They are directly going to Beijing and others will join them on airport.

They were having their breakfast in silence. Jungkook thought to start a conversation because they haven't talk much after last night and he has a doubt that she heard him.

"Is everything alright?" he asked with a hesitant voice

"What do you think?" she raised one eyebrow with a serious face.

His heartbeat increased because now he is somehow sure that she heard everything.

"Umm...I .....I don't know" he spoke nervously focusing on the food, to avoid her gaze

She smirked after wiping her mouth with the napkin

"So.........What were you doing in the bathroom last night?"

Jungkook was shook. He didn't know how to react. He was all red gulping his last bite. One thousand thoughts started to run inside his brain 'Come on Jungkook. Why are you embarrassed; it's normal to masturbate isn't it? And you are famous as a playboy; you shouldn't behave like that'

"Cat got your tongue?" she asked in a cold tone

"So what? I was just masturbating"

Her eyes went wide at his boldness.


"What happened? Why are you speechless now?" he asked with full confidence

"Don't you think you have so much courage to confess this? You know I am not talking about the masturbation things. But you...I....I heard my name" she confronted in an annoyed tone

He went silent for a second but his personality is opposing this silent behavior so he continued.

"You must be so obsessed about me; that now you started imagining me moaning your name while masturbating. Well ...... You are not that bad baby" he licked his bottom lip. "I don't think I should imagine you when I am hard. What about having a real experience?" he bend towards her and tapped her nose tip with his index finger

"You are ridiculous" she moved back in frustration "And I am sure I heard it. Okay?"

He pretending not hearing her and started to put on his airpods while continuing watching the further episodes of 'Business Proposal'.



"I don't want to talk to you dude. How can you hide it? You are dating her and everyone knew it except me! Your best friend?" Chris screamed in anger.

"You are over reacting bro"

"Seriously Jungkook; I am over reacting? Fine..... I also won't tell you that I have a girlfriend" he said crossing his arms above his chest

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