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<DAY 1>


"We have a total of 6 days in China and we will be having a native guide with us during these 6 days. So let's welcome our new guide everyone" Chris signalled the guide to join him

A handson man with small tattoos on his both arms joined Chris. He cleared his throat and started to speak in english. That 'no-doubt' is fluent of course.

"Hello Everyone! I am Jackson Wang from China. I will be your guide for the upcoming 6 days. Let's not waste the time and come directly to the itinerary" the man introduced and continued without wasting any time. He is experienced in his field and extremely professional.

"We will stay in Shanghai for the first two days, then we will visit the Terracotta Army; at last we will fly to Beijing and spend the last 3 days." Jackson completed and looked at everyone before delivering another information.

"I have planned a surprise for you all in Beijing and trust me it's worth it and you won't forget for the rest of your life" he announced, earning curious faces from everyone including Chris

"Now let's go"
*Shanghai ocean aquarium*

*Shanghai ocean aquarium*

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Everyone entered Shanghai Ocean Aquarium and it was really peaceful

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Everyone entered Shanghai Ocean Aquarium and it was really peaceful. The blue water was flowing behind the glass, along with beautiful corals and a school of tiny fishes running around, as if they were playing a 'tag' game. The star fish lying on the stone as if it was sleeping and a dolphin passing by, over their head. All this was giving a calm vibe. It was a really beautiful experience.

They came out of it and sat in 'The Orient Pearl Park' which was near the Aquarium. Jackson planned a picnic for them. Arson, Eka and Hikari were sitting together on a mat while eating pizza.

"Isn't that beautiful? The aquarium!" Eka smiled and the other two girls nodded.

"Yeah it was. You know I was feeling to do scuba diving in there. The world under water is really something" Arson exclaimed with an amused face, taking another bite of her pizza

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