Chapter 33: Fight Or Flight Part 1

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Julio's POV
Life away from Nick has been difficult. He was a generous employer. He never treated me as badly as Lombardi. I think it was punishment from the godfather to be put under Lombardi. He is the definition of cruelty. No one is sn exception, not even his only son.

I want to make a petition to the godfather. I want to ask him to allow me to work under a different capo. I would prefer Tancredi or Valenti. Rossi is not a bad option but he's not faithful to his men. He tends to throw them under the bus.

This morning, the teenage boy is receiving a thorough scolding from his father. He has his eyes cast on the floor. I waited in the cover of the wall adjacent to the dining room. Rocco is probably thirteen or fourteen years old. It's at this age that bots start being difficult. I remember Gio playing dad after I discovered girls. He was quite funny. It didn't go without the days when he was equally explosive. Regardless of the situation, he treated me well.

When he walked past me, he glanced at me and kept his head low as he walked away.

"I don't have all morning!" He exploded.

"Signore." I showed up in front of him. "Buonogior-"

"There's nothing good about it. I have a new assignment for you. I'm sending you to New York."


"I'm sending you back to Balotelli."

This is too good to be true. What's the catch?

"I thought Balotelli was out of the game."

"He is. You will serve as a spy and you will report back to me. Do what it takes to know everything he is up to. I expect daily reports."

"I'm uncomfortable with that."

"I had a feeling you would say that. What you need is incentive ." He snapped his fingers and I was almost distraught with shock when Lupe was presented to me. She's bound and her face bruised.

"What have you done?" I shouted.

"Watch your tone." He warned me. "You fail, she dies. I think it's simple enough for a five year old to understand. Get out!"

They took Lupe away.

I don't think I've ever seen her so quiet before.

Isn't she supposed to be with Nick?

I have wished to be returned to Nick but not like this. If I spy on him, he will never forgive me.

Nick's POV
"My cover has been blown." Katya informed me as soon as she got into my car.

"I'm riding Akexei's patience thin." I told her. We both stared ahead of us at the busy street. It's quiet in the escalade. "But let's talk about you. Who blew your cover?"

"My law firm partner. She wants me out. It's a generous pay off."

"If Lorraine Hall is no more..."

"New identity or I really become Katya Romanov. Why are you riding Akexei's patience thin?"

"He thinks I am hiding Marcella. My deadline was last night. He's quiet. How worried should I be?"

"Very..." Katya sighed. "Dude I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Back home to Russia. My father... I need to stay ahead of him. I need you to do me a solid though."


"Stay with Terrence. Keep him safe."

I pressed my eyes shut. "Maddie is not with me because I can't keep her safe. I gave her away. How am I supposed to keep Terrence safe?"

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now