Chapter 11: The Deal

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Mancini's POV
"What is so important?" I questioned the man standing in the middle of my office.

"The woman you were with." Moretti got straight to the point.

"How is she your concern?"

"Isn't she Balotelli's woman?"

"I'm sorry, did I miss the label on her forehead saying so?"

"Ni dispiace, I mean you no disrespect."

"Yet you come to my home to question me."

"I'm not questioning-" he ran his hand over his face and helped himself to a seat. Moretti is my second successor in the event that Giorgio is unable to take my place as the godfather. I like him for his honesty. He never scared to call me out. "It will stir trouble."

"With..." I narrowed my eyes.

"Balotelli." He answered. "Just because he is out doesn't mean he won't come after you if you persist on this course."

"Maybe that's what I want. A reason to kill him." I toyed with a pen on my table. "Maybe I want to provoke the madness out of him."

"What is going on between you and Balotelli?'

Something he will be er understand. No one knows Don Giovanni, Nicko's grandfather, was my father. It's  a well kept secret that I am a Balotelli. I want it to stay that way.

"It's personal. Don't ask me about it again."

"Si Signore." He bowed his head. "The matter of your ex wife is at the tip of everyone's tongue. They want to know what will be done with her."

"All in due time. What about the matter of the bombing? Where are we on that?"

"May I ask-"

"No." I extinguished his curiosity about Keira.

"Very well." He pushed a file towards me. "Several shakedowns later and I uncovered she was behind it."

"Scarlet Monae." She's a French business woman. "What would she want with Kei?"

"Nothing. She has absolutely no connection with Kei other than Balotelli."

"Indulge me."

"It has something to do with the death of her son. Balotelli and a friend of his were at the scene. Coleen Harrington, the other woman in the blast was also at the scene. It's revenge for the death of her son."

"Why not go after Nick?"

"Kei was never the target Signore. Coleen Harrington was the target. Kei was just collateral damage."

"Regardless of her intentions, she nearly lost her life. It cannot go unpunished."

"The Popovs feel the same way."

"What have they got to do with this, other than the Port of Sinclair being their playground?"

"You know that the Sinclair is related to the Popovs, right?" I nodded. "Coleen Harrington is carrying Sinclair's child."

This is what I like about Moretti. He is resourceful when it comes to information. He leaves no stone unturned.

"Tell Popov, Scarlet Monae is my kill."

"Dint they have more-" he stopped himself when I glared at him. "I will make sure word gets to Popov."

"Leave me." I told him.

The stout short man got up and made his way to the door. He stopped and looked my way. "I know you don't want to hear it Mancini but your unhinged pursuit for Kei will be your undoing. Dint underestimate Balotelli. It was wiser to keep him close."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now