Chapter 17: An Affair

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Keira's POV
"Kaitlyn Hewitt." I read the name on the passport then looked at my friend. It's my picture but it was taken a while ago. "What's this?"

"That's your ticket out. You will like it in Norway. It's cold but it's scenic. You can disappear and start over."

The idea of starting over after everything that happened last week is not so bad. Katya showed up with the money and paid the officer. She caused so much trouble and threw around enough threats to get them to release me. She wanted to sue them for my nose but I dissuaded her. I don't want this situation the escalate. I'm not making enemies out of the police department.

I'm still going to go through a hearing. There's no way out of that.

"You want me to run."


"What about my children?"

"They will miss you but they will be okay." She spoke more softly.

The thought of leaving them behind is impossible.

"I can't."

"If you don't, they will see you through a glass. You have visited someone in prison before. Did you like the process?"


"That is what they will go through for the fifteen to twenty years you will serve. Is that what you want?"


"You... you deserve better than this. You deserve everything good in the world. This is unfortunately not it. Nick can't give you better than this. His intentions are right but he's battling his own demons. Whoever put the drugs in your car wasn't after you but after Nick. I'm sorry Kei but your only way, is out."

"What happens at the hearing?"

"The prosecution will argue that you should be locked up until your trial. They will ask you to plead. They will perhaps try to give you a deal. It can be anything but we will be at it."

"They weren't mine." I assured her. It's the first time I'm audibly talking about my innocence. I covered my face and started crying. This ie my only relief. Katya wrapped her wrms around me, holding me still. The anguish I feel spilled out in tears until I was done. "It must have happened at the farm when Nick and I were in the house."

"That's a likelihood. Someone was definitely following you guys and keeping tabs. You don't have a history of abuse or even distribution. The prosecution will have a hard time proving to the jury that you are guilty."

"I can't sleep without dreaming that I'm locked up. I'm so scared Katya. Promise me that if it doesn't go out way, you will take care of the kids and watch out for Nick."

"I'll be there for them, I promise."

Nick's POV
I left my conversation with Alexei pending.

I was to give a daughter in exchange for a name. Is the scale even? Is this name worth it?

Ever since that conversation, I have been wondering which daughter I'm going to give up. I have had time to think and I haven't come up with a name. I don't want to see the day my girls will get married. This decision requires me to let go and entrust one of them not just to Terrance but to the Russian mob.

Katya pulled up in front of the bar. The evening has darkened into our favorite color. This is when we come out to play.

I have thought about Madeline. She's my oldest and is a decision that will be valued the most. She is tough and she will be alright in the mob. But Madeline is a year older than Terrence and I have never seen them even having a conversation. She doesn't bully him like she does Marcelle. Their relationship is awkward. To make matters worse, will she even agree? She's as difficult as I am.

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