Chapter 1: Attitude

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Keira's POV
"Marcella! What are you doing?" I ran towards the steps, terrified of how it will end for Bella. My seven week old daughter is in her little arms.

"I'm going to throw her away!"

"What? Why?" I hastily ran up the stairs until I reached them but Marcella held on to her little sister even more tightly.

"Because she's prettier than me and... and... daddy loves her more than me."

"That's how it goes! He always loves the shiniest newest thing more." Madeline added fuel to fire.

"Bella has to go!" Marcella informed me.

"And what about Ella?"

"I was coming back to throw her away too."

This is funny but I'm not going to laugh. Someday when she's older we will talk about it and laugh.

"It will break my heart if you do that. Can I have her?"

Her eyes teared up. "I'm sorry mommy." She allowed me to take Bella.

If anyone is always remorseful over bad deeds it's Marcella. Maddie and Marcelle are something else. Apologies nave to be literally squeezed out of them.

"And you we're you just going to watch?" I asked Madeline.

She lives with me. I don't know why but she decided to be here since the twins were born. She isn't so bad but she has her moments.

"Honestly, I just wanted to see what she will do. But I was going to bring her back."

I sat on the steps with Bella in my arms. I checked the ankle to make sure it's Bella. "Both of you, sit with me." Maddie sat on my left and Marcella my right. "Is that how you both feel? That daddy doesn't love you?"

"When Marcella came into the picture, I felt replaced. He tells me he loves me but I no longer have his full attention."

"And you? Is that how you feel?" I asked Marcella. She nodded. "Daddy loves Bella and Ella more. He doesn't carry me anymore. He is always carrying them."

"Okay girls. I can't pretend to understand how you two feel. But I want you both to know that your father loves you both."

It's my fault for being stubborn about moving to New York after the twins were born. I told Nick I want to stay in Saint Tropez. He was surprisingly quite accommodating, taking trips every weekend to come see the kids. When he gets here, he's tired and he only holds the twins, disagrees with Marcelle and tells Marcella to keep it down everytime she gets excited. Half of that time, I never see Madeline in the scene.

"I don't care." Madeline shrugged.

"I think you do and you should because Nick is your father. You deserve to feel his love and you are special. You know why?"

"Why?" Her eyes softened.

"Because you are his firstborn. The one he will trust with so much! You are also the only one who is not from me and that means something to him. You are also the toughest and bravest! He may not show it or say it enough but your father loves you." I kissed the top of her head. "And you Marcella. Do you know why you are special to daddy?"

"Why, mommy?"

"You are the funniest and the sweetest. Daddy needs a little humour after a long day, right?"


"I'm sure the twins will be unique in their own way and daddy will love them for that. It doesn't make any of you lesser than the others."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ