Chapter 3: A Father Of Five

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Nick's POV
My father never knocked on my bedroom door, especially when he was paying me a visit to drop the hammer. Whenever I think about Florence, I remember my mother screaming at me in rapid Italian with her Balenciagas flying from her hand. Dad always paid me a visit when I didn't fall in line as mom wished. He didn't knock. He just budged in.

I knocked on Marcelle's bedroom door and gave it a moment before I opened it. He's seated on the bed, doing nothing.

I was excited when they came from Saint Tropez. It was a surprise and an equally bigger surprise when Bea threw Leen and Kei a party. But this kid is too quiet l, even for his nature.

"Hey kid." I approached him. He chose not to respond. It's typical for him to ignore people if he does not want to talk. The reason I'm here is because Kei asked me to talk to him. "What's going on figlio mio?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Be more specific." He answered without looking at me.

I sighed heavily. Marcelle is like uncharted waters. I just never know what to expect with this kid.

"You have been great ving your mom a lot of attitude and I want to understand why. You will tell me what is going on."

"I don't feel like talking."

"I'm not giving you options. It's either you talk to me or you talk to me. Your choice."

"Repeating something doesn't make it a choice. You have the workings of a tyrant."

"Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Do you even know who a tyrant is?"

"A blond man with blue eyes. Please go away."

It's times like this I wish I could go off on him. But he's lucky! I feel patient today!

"Talk to me." I rested my hand on the top of his head. I turned him to look at me. "Look at me and talk to me about what is going on Marcelle."

"Things have been weird since nonno passed away." He answered. "I really liked him. He was cool. I miss him."

It has only been two months since Gio passed away. That pain is still fresh. Each one if us wears it differently. I guess for Marcelle it's acting out.

"He had a way with people. Once you had your first conversation with him, you became drawn to him. The first time I met Gio, he was throwing stones at some ravens. He said he didn't like the way they were looking at him." I chuckled. "The next day they were chasing him around the vineyard. He was yelling in Italian, cursing their existence. I remember thinking that this is the funniest person I'm related to and I like him. That was years ago but I still feel like it was just yesterday."

"He was really funny." He agreed with a fleeting smile. "Why did mom take us away from you?"

"It's complicated."

"Then who was that man who gave me the coin? The one who was following us? Who is he?"

"His name is Mancini. He is... was friends with Gio." I don't know how else to explain the godfather.

"I'm scared of him. Where were you when he took us? Shouldn't a father protect his family? Where were you?"

Sobering questions.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. One thing I need you to understand is that your mom and I are not perfect. We will always disagree. Sometimes those disagreements will lead to some poor choices, both on her part and my own. When that happens I want you to be sure of two things. Whether you are with me or your mom, we will always protect you."

"Okay." He nodded. "I have been very scared that he will take mom away. We were not allowed to see her when he took us. We only saw her when you arrived."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now