Chapter 29: A Father

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Bianchi's POV
"Papa." I opened my eyes to pay attention to the little girl sitting on my chest. How Italia thinks she can sit on my chest and I'll be okay is still strange to me but a common occurrence every morning. "Wake up."

"Figlia mia, isn't it early?"

"You have visitors!"

"Visitors?" I sat up quickly when my bedroom door was opened and Russo stared at me.

"Get dressed. He wants to talk."

I set my daughter aside and grabbed a robe. "Stay here."

I followed Russo out. Mancini has been served breakfast and he is seated in silence looking at me as I approach the dining table. I can see something different in his eyes, pain. Something has happened.

"Signore. I wasn't expecting you."

"Salve. I did not plan this in advance. Please, join me." His attention shifted past me and he smiled fleetingly at my daughter. Italia is a curious girl. She's peeking at us. "Come."

She left her hiding spot to walk past me and right into Mancini's arms.

"I apologize, she's just curious about new faces."

"Enjoy this age. It's the best age. When they become teenagers... you might as well regret having them." He sighed heavily. "Go on little one, pick anything you like from my plate."

"Signore, a plate can be out together for her." I suggested.

"Don't worry about it." He touched the top of her head as she picked bacon from his plate.

I'm nervous over my daughter being in his arms. Why is he even here? He never shows up like this. I looked at Russo, hoping for a hint but nothing. Russo betrays nothing. I sighed in relief when he let her go.

"Go to your room." I told her sternly.

As she left, I turned my attention to the godfather. I'm not mistaken, there is grief in his eyes.

"I received a call sometime at three this morning." Does he know about Valenti, Gallo, Tancredi and myself? Does he know? "My son is dead."

Thank goodness!

But I'm not relieved for the death of his son but for my escape from being caught!

"Dio! Which one?"


"Was he ill?" The last time I saw Giorgio, he was just fine. Rude and entitled as always but fine. He had a disagreement with his father about a certain young girl in his care.

"He was murdered." He rested his elbows on the table.

"Dio. Mi dispiace Signore. You must be devastated-"

"Not yet. I'm still in shock. He's my oldest, my second. This was premeditated. Someone wanted him out of the way. I'm probably next."

Realization suddenly hit me!


When we asked him what the plan is, he said we should wait to hear from him. I see it now. He just removed the under boss and now the boss is next. Mancini has good instincts.

"What can I do?".

"Find out who killed Giorgio."

No. He's on to me. Why me?

"Wouldn't Lombardi or Moretti be better suited-"

"My son was last seen with Moretti. Even after I forbid Giorgio from gambling, Moretti kept feeding the habit. He was murdered outside Moretti's club. I don't trust Moretti."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now