Chapter 32: Our Bride

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Nick's POV
It's into the early morning. My sleep is at its peak. I had to take pills to get me sleep. The bed is otherwise cold without Kei. I'm breaking a promise to myself. I vowed off alcohol, pills and anything that may drag me back to my addiction. I needed the pills, just two to help me sleep after several sleepless nights.

Kei is nowhere to be found.

I have the Serbs looking for her. Boris swears that he has chased every lead and has come up short. The same is coming from the men Bianchi spared.

Where could she be?

I opened my eyes and took note of the blinking green light from the clock. It's 2:48am. It's too early to wake up but when thoughts won't leave me in peace, I have no choice.

I sat up, looking around the room. It's amazing how a woman makes a house feel like a home. Right now it only feels like a house. A big empty house.

I picked up a shirt from the floor along with a trail of other clothing. I haven't gotten a housekeeper. I'm keeping up with whatever I can. It's not sustainable. The mess is starting to piss me off.

St the sound of my phone ringing, I stopped. Who can be calling me at thus hour? I stared at the caller ID. I don't know this number, yet I'm compelled to answer.


"Listen, don't talk." It's Russo. "Mancini is going after the weak link in your group. I don't know who that is but warn your buddies. Also, there's talk about Moretti putting a hit on you. He thinks you set him up. Watch your back."

He hanged up.

The mob life.

It's not glamorous.

The only leverage is to be on top and even that comes at a great cost. I can't have the people I love and be the boss. Since I lost the previous, I'll just have to keep grinding for the latter.

But first, laundry. I need to do laundry.

"Pick up pick up." I whispered as I paced around on the rooftop.

"Yes?" Bianchi answered.

"Russo says Mancini is on to us. Who is the weakest link?"

"Off the top of my head? Gallo. He scares easily."

"Get them in order. If anyone says anything they shouldn't say... need I finish?"

"No boss. Any word on Kei?"


I try to convince myself that it is safer with Keira away but I'm also restless because she's not here.

"Mancini is cleaning up. Four people dead so far in just a two days. He is taking offense at any lie even it has nothing to do with Giorgio. He is looking for his son's killer. I'm starting to think we should lay low-"

"No. We soldier on."


"Are you the weak link?"

"No. I'm the sane one. I'm the reasonable one and I'm telling you that we will all be dead by morning tomorrow if he catches on. You haven't been around Mancini. He is like a tornado. Watch your back."

He hanged up.

On my way back to the office, I ran into the boys. It's odd to see the three of them together at ten in the morning.

"What is this?" I walked past them. They followed me to my office. Cole and Tony took a seat. Sinclair and Bruce remained standing. "Well?"

"We are concerned about you." Tony informed me. "Kei left with the kids and I'm worried you will go down the rabbit hole."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon