Chapter 2: Remember Timmy?

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Eleven years ago...
On a cold autumn evening, an officer is preparing to complete his shift. He is not looking forward to going home to his nagging wife or the endless cries if his new born baby. He woukd rather sit in the patrol car and continue watching over the uneventful stretch of road he is attending to.

Tim Rowland has not been an officer for long. He wishes to make his way up the ladder and to make a name for himself. He wants to be known as a great detective.

He knows that it will take time but it doesn't stop him from dreaming. Paying attention to the road one last time before another officer takes over, he saw something dark and fast zoom past him.

Immediately, he turned on the sirens and pursued the car. He can't tell what kind of car he is chasing but he knows it's one of those that men in his pay grade will never drive. As his adrenaline spiked, ready for a prolonged chase and not sure if his car will hold up, the driver slowed down and eventually pulled up on the side of the road.

Tim Rowland stepped out of his car and approached the car as dark as night itself. He tamed his racing heart from betraying how nervous he is. In this line if work he is aware that anything can go wrong once he reaches the car.

The man seated in the driver's seat lowered his window. Tim noted that he is alone in the car. His eyes leveled with the pair of blue eyes as cold as steel. The driver, a twenty three year old heir to billions, is also equally scared. He knows he shouldn't have stopped but he is too low on fuel to drive on. Nickolas Balotelli Bale, wears his favorite look, a threatening one.

"Good evening sir."

"Evening." He responded coldly and immediately took note of his name on the badge.

Tim immediately smelt the whiskey from his breath. That is already a DUI.

"Do you know how fast you were driving?"

"I know." Nick admitted without challenging the officer. "I would appreciate it if you go back to your car and forget this happened." He revealed a generous bundle of cash.

Officer Tim gazed at the money longingly. It looks much more than he earns in a month. He needs the money for his loan, for the new baby and for bills. Tempted to take it but also powefully drawn to be an honest cop, he looked away.

"License and registration." He asked the man.

Nick sighed heavily before he handed it over. Officer Tim went back to his car to check with the database. He recognized the name of the driver and drew a connection to Bale Industries.

After he was content with the results, he returned to the driver. "Sir, how much have you had to drink tonight?"

"Enough." He answered rudely.

"Why don't you step out of the car for me?"

To Tim's dismay, he declined confidently. "No I won't be doing that."

"If you don't step out of your car willingly, I'll assist you and then I'll arrest you. Your choice."

The belligerent heir got out of the car. "Hands on the roof of the car, spread your legs."

"Is this really necessary?"

"Do as your told. Do you have anything in your pockets that will harm me?" Tim asked.

"Since you're so curious, find out for yourself." Nick can't contain his stubbornness.

When Tim was content, he went on to search the car. Nick's heart is starting to pound in anticipation of what the officer will find. He is tempted to move his hands, reach for a weapon in the glove compartment and end this. But he knows far too well why he had to leave Italy. He is not eager to do it again.

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