First Saturday of term!

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Nyx's POV:

Leaning against my bed, my feet resting on Enzo's lap, I sifted through a stack of old papers while he delved into an ancient journal. The tranquility of the moment shattered as Daphney burst into the room, her expression a storm of anger.
"I hate him so much," she exclaimed, collapsing onto the floor beside us. Intrigued, I set aside the papers and asked, "Who and why?" Daphney's frustration poured out as she revealed, "Blaise Zabini. He's on a date with Luna!"
My eyes widened in disbelief, and I turned to Enzo, who merely shrugged in response. Offering Daphney a cookie from our basket, I watched as she took a bite, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just liked him so much," she sobbed, and I tried to console her, glancing at Enzo for support, but he seemed engrossed in his reading.
"Well, there's a Gryffindor party tonight," I suggested, hoping to lift her spirits. Daphney's head shot up at the mention of the party, excitement replacing her earlier despair. "Really?" she exclaimed, wiping her tears away.
"I'll tell the twins we're coming," I assured her, catching Enzo's gaze. He looked up from his book, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "I want to come too. I've never been to a Gryffindor party," he chimed in with a hopeful expression.
Chuckling at his enthusiasm, I ruffled his hair affectionately, assuring him, "That shouldn't be a problem." Our laughter filled the room as we joked around, momentarily forgetting Daphney's earlier distress over Blaise.
Once Daphney dashed off to shower, Enzo and I shared a conspiratorial glance. "That didn't happen," I declared, and Enzo raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Blaise never went on a date with Luna," I clarified, and he nodded, understanding the implications.
"So, you're already changing things," he observed, grabbing a pen and paper to document the alteration. We exchanged a knowing look and simultaneously uttered, "Butterfly effect."
As Enzo pondered the repercussions, I closed my eyes, recalling the altered timeline. "Nothing happened. He just didn't talk to her, and she ended up hooking up with George at the party tonight," I recounted, omitting certain details.
Enzo's playful demeanor shifted as he tickled me, demanding to know what I was leaving out. His touch sent a shiver down my spine, and for a moment, our eyes met, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "It's about me?" he ventured, his grip tightening on my hand.
I nodded, stifling a laugh as he withdrew his hand, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. "Oh god, no, Enzo!" I reassured him, patting his shoulder affectionately. He smiled, relieved, remarking, "Maybe it's better I don't know then."
Agreeing with a nod, I looked him in the eye and stated firmly, "You don't end up with Daphney." He blinked in surprise, processing my words, and a sheepish smile crossed his face. "Ah, got it," he replied, nodding in understanding.
With that settled, we spent the rest of the rainy afternoon in Daphney's and my dorm room, immersed in Enzo's great-grandfather's journals while Daphney flipped through fashion magazines, the promise of the evening's party banishing our earlier worries.

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