Family Obligations & contracts!

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Nya's POV:

Nestled in the vibrant heart of London, the Mandarin Oriental exuded an aura of unmatched grandeur—a beacon of luxury that had always captured my father's heart. It was more than just a hotel to him; it was a cherished retreat, a splendid escape from the austere confines of our ancestral manor. He had secured a standing reservation for the opulent two-bedroom Oriental penthouse, a place he considered his personal haven. As I made my way into the lavishly adorned lobby, the sheer magnificence of the surroundings never ceased to leave me in awe. However, my enchantment was soon interrupted by the hurried approach of a woman, her demeanor timid yet her voice laced with urgency. "Ms. Urquart," she called out, drawing my attention. "Your father has arranged for an evening at The Aubrey. Please, this way." With a nod of acknowledgment, I followed her through the winding corridors of the hotel, anticipation building with each step toward our designated rendezvous.

Upon entering the restaurant, my gaze immediately found my father, engaged in conversation with an older gentleman whose face bore a vague familiarity. As I approached, my father's introduction brought clarity. "Nyx, this is Rodger," he said, gesturing to the man whose handshake was firm, almost to the point of discomfort. "A pleasure to meet you, sir," I managed, concealing my discomfort with a polite smile. My attention, however, was swiftly diverted as Brennan, a familiar face and teammate from the fencing club, entered. His presence, unexpected yet wholly welcome, sparked a joy within me. "Brennan," I greeted him, the warmth in my voice unmistakable.

As we took our seats, the connection between Brennan and me did not go unnoticed by my father, who quizzed us about our acquaintance. "We're on the fencing team together," Brennan explained, his eyes alight with an affectionate spark. Under the table, his hand found mine, offering a squeeze of reassurance that filled me with a comforting warmth amidst the unexpectedness of the evening. "Well, this certainly simplifies matters," my father remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. The night unfolded with engaging conversation, making the reunion seem serendipitous, possibly even advantageous.

As the evening drew to a close, my father and Rodger departed with a mutual nod, leaving Brennan and me to embark on our journey back to Hogwarts. Along the way, Brennan paused, his gaze intense yet tender, as if he were committing the moment to memory. "I know about the bond," he admitted, his voice a blend of vulnerability and understanding. "George told me. But I promise, Nyx, I'll treat you well, even knowing your heart belongs to another." The sincerity in his words compelled me to close the distance between us, my hands resting against the warmth of his chest. "You're too kind, Brennan," I confessed, my voice laden with a gentle regret. "But my heart cannot be yours. I'm sorry."

His arms enveloped me in a comforting embrace, a silent acceptance of my words. "That's fine for now," he whispered, resignation in his tone. I reciprocated the embrace, finding solace in the closeness we shared. In that moment, despite the unrequited love that lingered, there was an understanding, a bond forged not by romantic love but by mutual respect and shared experiences. As we lingered in our embrace, the world around us seemed to pause, acknowledging the complexity of human emotions and the strength found in acceptance.

Eventually, we resumed our journey towards the dormitories, the silence between us filled with a quiet camaraderie. Despite the undercurrents of unfulfilled desires, Brennan's vow to fulfill his duties and my acknowledgment of his commitment marked a new chapter in our relationship. It was a testament to the maturity and depth of our connection, transcending the confines of romantic affection to embrace a more profound bond.

As we reached the entrance to the dormitories, Brennan halted, turning to face me with a look of solemn determination. "Nyx, regardless of where our paths lead us, I want you to know that you have my unwavering support," he stated, the sincerity of his words echoing in the cool night air. "And should you ever need me, I'll be there, no questions asked."

UniquelyUrquart!! (Hogwarts AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن