Sleepovers & the TEA!

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Nyx POV:

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Nyx POV:

A radiant smile blossomed on Nyx's face as she swung open the door, only to be greeted by a heartwarming scene. There, in her living room, stood her closest friends, including Ginny and Hermione, all assembled to shower her with love and support. The mastermind behind this surprise? Brennan, who had not only orchestrated the entire gathering but had also managed to enlist the guys in sprucing up the living room, transforming it into a haven of joy for the evening. The air was thick with the sounds of gossip, unrestrained laughter, and the sharing of cherished memories. Amidst this festive ambiance, the highlight of the night was persuading Enzo to don a dress, adding an extra layer of hilarity to the already joyous occasion.

As the party roared with energy, with Enzo, Daphne, and Tori delivering impassioned renditions of Taylor Swift hits on the karaoke machine, Nyx nestled into a plush beanbag chair tucked away in a cozy corner. Hermione, brimming with excitement, approached her with a drink in hand and gracefully took a seat beside her. Nyx took an eager sip, only to be caught off guard by the peculiar concoction, prompting a small cough. "What on earth is this, Mione?" she inquired, bemused. Hermione responded with a mischievous chuckle, "Diet Coke mixed with champagne – quite the delicacy, don't you think?" Despite her initial skepticism, Nyx took another sip, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief.

In a moment of unexpected vulnerability, Hermione confessed, "I don't love Ron," leaving Nyx momentarily speechless. "But you two have been an item for two years," Nyx remarked, her voice laced with astonishment. Hermione, visibly uneasy, shared her grievances, "He's become so intolerant, narrow-minded, and there are these bizarre grunting sounds he makes whenever we... well, you know." The gravity of the conversation momentarily gave way to laughter, but Hermione pressed on, "The mere thought of engagement and planning our future together makes me feel queasy. I've reached a point where I dread being alone with him, and I can't confide in Ginny. It seems like you've had your hands full with your own romantic entanglements."

Nyx, moved by Hermione's candidness, clasped her hands in a gesture of unwavering support. "I am deeply sorry you're going through this. Remember, I'm here for you, and so is everyone else," she assured, her words imbued with sincerity and compassion. Their heartfelt exchange was momentarily interrupted by a tipsy Pansy, who stumbled over with an invitation to join the karaoke spectacle, yet the bond they shared in that moment remained unbroken, a testament to the enduring power of friendship.

 Their heartfelt exchange was momentarily interrupted by a tipsy Pansy, who stumbled over with an invitation to join the karaoke spectacle, yet the bond they shared in that moment remained unbroken, a testament to the enduring power of friendship

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~Following morning ~
POV: Weasley Siblings

Under the warm embrace of the morning sun, Ginny weaved her way through the blossoming flora of the garden, her arms laden with a generous offering of freshly made waffles adorned with a vibrant medley of fruits. At the garden's secluded alcove, her brothers awaited, their faces lighting up at her approach. "Our little warrior," they greeted in harmony, shifting closer to one another to create a space for her in their midst. With a shared chuckle, the bond of siblinghood was reaffirmed, their laughter a testament to the joy of their reunion. Ginny, her heart swelling with affection, echoed their sentiment, keen to bridge the gap that time and distance had wrought between them.

As they settled into the comfort of each other's company, the conversation flowed with ease, touching upon the trivialities of life before delving into deeper, more introspective territories. It was George who, with a gentle nudge, steered them towards the unspoken weight on their hearts. "I know mom wants nothing more than our happiness, but Ron..." Ginny ventured, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and understanding. The mention of Ron conjured a collective sigh from the twins, a silent acknowledgment of the rift his misplaced accusations had caused, branding them as Death Eaters.

Ginny confided in them, her words painting a picture of Ron's growing estrangement, fueled by his inability to accept her and Harry's support for Daphne and George's relationship. The air, heavy with unvoiced concerns, found a momentary reprieve as Ginny playfully turned her attention to Fred, her fork poised like a conductor's baton. "And what of you, Mattheo? What tangled webs are you weaving?" she teased.

Fred, ever the opportunist, leaned forward to steal a bite from her fork, his response veiled in the complexities of his bond with Nyx and Mattheo. Ginny's expression shifted to one of mild irritation as she reclaimed her fork, the mention of Nyx's involvement with Brennan stirring a pot of mixed emotions. Fred, with a note of contemplation in his voice, mused about the uncertain future of his life as a guard, should she and Brennan unite in matrimony it will have affects on the bond, the siblings pondered the intricacies of such a connection.

The conversation took a turn towards the personal as George, curiosity piqued, broached the subject of Fred's sexual orientation. With a clarity born of introspection, Fred dispelled any assumptions, his feelings for Mattheo defying conventional labels yet complicating his emotional landscape. Amidst the seriousness of their dialogue, the siblings found solace in laughter, their pinkies interlocked in a silent vow of confidentiality and unwavering support. In this secluded haven, amidst the tranquil beauty of the garden, they reaffirmed their loyalty to one another, their bond unbreakable in the face of life's complexities.

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