💛Hufflepuff Party! 💛

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~Nyx's POV~

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~Nyx's POV~

My mind is filled with the effervescent bubbles of champagne and the euphoria of dancing. When Harry bursts into the common room, spraying champagne everywhere, I take it as a signal to clear my head with a walk. I meander down a corridor, trailing my fingers along the weathered bricks. As I reach the end of the hall, I spot Tom sitting by a window, absently rubbing a silver snake medallion in his hand. I stand there for a moment, silently observing him. When his eyes finally meet mine, they appear as dark as the black lake, devoid of the sparkle I once knew. "Tom," I say softly, attempting to retreat the way I came. "Nyx." His voice freezes me in my tracks, and I turn back to face him, only to find him already by my side. He leans down, his breath warm against my ear, and whispers, "Where are your bodyguards, or should I say, lovers?" I place my hands on Tom's chest, but he grabs one, pulling it up and spinning me around so that my back is pressed against his front, his arm encircling my waist. "Why are you doing this to me?" I protest. He silences me with a kiss on my neck. I turn my head, and as he releases my arm, I seize the opportunity to turn and kiss him back. For a brief moment, the world fades away, until the sound of something shattering in the distance jolts us back to reality. We step away from each other just as Enzo's voice rings out, "Run, Snape!" A group of our friends comes charging down the corridor, and Tom and I laugh, joining them in a playful escape from the pursuing professors.

 We step away from each other just as Enzo's voice rings out, "Run, Snape!" A group of our friends comes charging down the corridor, and Tom and I laugh, joining them in a playful escape from the pursuing professors

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~Nyx's POV~

The effervescent bubbles still danced in my head, causing a slight fuzziness to envelop my senses as I lay sprawled on my bed, lost in a reverie like a giddy schoolgirl, thoughts consumed by the notion of kissing Tom. As my mind wandered, contemplating the tender allure of such a moment, the sound of my door creaking open jolted me back to reality. I sat up abruptly, only to find a visage of pure anger etched onto Mattheo's countenance as he stood before me, clutching a phone tightly in his hand. Without a word, he extended the device towards me, and as I peered at the screen, my heart sank at the sight of a captured moment – a picture portraying Tom and me locked in a clandestine embrace.

Relief washed over me as I realized the darkness of the image had deceived those who had glimpsed it, leading them to believe that it was Mattheo engaging in the forbidden liaison, not Tom . "This is the only and final warning, Nyx," Mattheo's voice cut through the silence, laced with an unmistakable edge of severity. "Stay away from him, understand?" I could only manage a feeble nod in response, feeling the sting of tears welling at the corners of my eyes.

Mattheo let out a heavy sigh, his demeanor softening as he tenderly brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, planting a gentle kiss upon my forehead. "I'm sorry. Sleep tight," he murmured, his apology hanging in the air. With that, he turned and departed, leaving me alone in the room. As the weight of his words settled upon me, a profound weariness engulfed my being, and suddenly, my body seemed to betray me as I succumbed to an overwhelming drowsiness. Nyx fell into a deep, undisturbed slumber, the events of the evening fading into the obscurity of her subconscious.

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