7 years time!

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Seven years had elapsed since their Hogwarts days, and life had scattered the once inseparable gang across distant lands. While the others drifted away, only four remained steadfast. Brennan, with his encyclopedic knowledge, now presided over Ravenclaw as the History of Magic professor. Nyx, with her unparalleled skill in potion-making, had become a respected figure as the Potions professor.
Fred and Matteo, too, had found their place within Hogwarts' walls. Fred, ever the daredevil, now guided students through the skies as the Flying instructor, while Matteo's curiosity about the Muggle world led him to teach Muggle Studies.
Yet, amidst the passage of time, their bond remained unbroken. Nyx and Brennan, recognizing the importance of their friendship, erected a grand home on the outskirts of Hogwarts, complete with a smaller dwelling in the back for Fred and Matteo. Here, the four friends found solace and sanctuary, a haven amidst the changes and distances that had crept into their

~Nyx's POV~

The biting cold of the winter air pierced through my coat, sending shivers down my spine as I stood at the edge of the Black Lake. The snow fell gently, blanketing the landscape in a serene white glow. With the holiday break in full swing, the usually bustling campus was eerily quiet, amplifying the solitude of the moment.
I traced my fingers along the weathered carving of a snake on the old tree, a nostalgic smile playing on my lips as memories flooded my mind. The laughter of friends, the warmth of companionship, and the carefree days spent by the lake with Tom echoed in my thoughts. Retrieving a worn silver coin adorned with a serpent from my pocket, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing now. Did he still carry his matching coin, or had it been lost to time?
"I still wonder what you are doing," I murmured softly, my words carried away by the gentle breeze drifting off the lake.
The sun dipped low, casting a warm golden glow over the snow-covered landscape surrounding Black Lake. As the falling snowflakes danced in the fading light, I tucked the silver coins back into my pocket, the memory of shared adventures with Tom lingering in my thoughts.
Suddenly, Brennan's voice pierced the tranquil scene, calling out my name with a mixture of concern and affection. Turning, I watched as my husband hurried towards me, his figure outlined against the wintry backdrop of the main campus.
"You can't be out here, it's too cold for you and the baby," Brennan admonished gently, his hand instinctively resting on my swollen belly as he chuckled. "I'm fine, really," I reassured him, though his furrowed brow betrayed his lingering worry.
Reluctantly, I allowed Brennan to guide me back to the warmth of my office, where I settled into my desk chair with a grateful sigh. His tender gesture of affection came in the form of a small bento box, a light dinner prepared by our friend Fred.
"Fred made you dinner," Brennan remarked, his eyes softening with affection as he placed the box before me. Grateful for his thoughtfulness, I smiled, knowing Fred's culinary skills were unmatched.
"Can you stay?" I pleaded, mustering up my best attempt at a persuasive pout. "Oh darling, I have the Slug Club dinner," Brennan replied apologetically, his smile tinged with regret. With a resigned sigh, I nodded, concealing my disappointment behind a forced smile as Brennan kissed my cheek and departed.
As I began to eat, savoring the tantalizing aroma of the food, fatigue began to weigh heavily on me. With a yawn, I turned my attention to the stack of end-of-term papers awaiting grading, determined to make progress despite my weariness.
A soft knock on the door interrupted my solitary task, and I looked up to see Mattheo standing in the doorway, his infectious grin lighting up his face. "What a pleasure," he exclaimed, offering me a hand and pulling me to my feet.
Returning his smile, I allowed myself a moment of reprieve from the solitude that had enveloped me since Brennan's departure. However, as Mattheo mentioned Brennan's insistence on accompanying me home, my smile faltered.
"He keeps doing this," I confessed, frustration bubbling to the surface. "He's been treating me like a fragile doll because I'm pregnant."
Understanding flickered in Mattheo's eyes as he nodded in sympathy. "You're stronger than he thinks, Nyx," he reassured me, offering me the support and understanding that I craved. With a grateful smile, I accepted his offer to walk me home, finding solace in the presence of an old friend as we made our way through the wintry landscape of Hogwarts to the large home we build on the edge of the property.

"Please, go ahead. I'll join you in just a moment," I managed a strained smile as Mattheo entered the grand house, his kiss on Fred's cheek not going unnoticed. Turning away, I approached the garden, feeling a pang of nostalgia as I surveyed the sprawling grounds and the majestic, ancient whomping willow tree.
With trembling fingers, I retrieved the small silver coin from my pocket, its cool metal a stark contrast to the warmth of my palm. "This is goodbye, Tom," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the rustling of leaves. My hand instinctively moved to caress my swollen belly before I sank to the ground, the earth beneath me damp and yielding.
Gritting my teeth against the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me, I pressed the coin into the soil, feeling its weight disappear as it disappeared into the earth. Standing up slowly, I cradled my belly, tears welling in my eyes as I cast one last sorrowful glance at the freshly-turned earth.
Summoning every ounce of strength, I reached out and pushed open the heavy door, the wood cold and unyielding beneath my touch. As I stepped over the threshold, confusion washed over me like a tidal wave. This wasn't the familiar comfort of my home; it was the sterile, impersonal ambiance of a dormitory. Panic clawed at my throat as the realization hit me like a ton of bricks: I wasn't returning to my sanctuary; I was stepping into a world I thought I had left behind.

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