Sundays are for Quidditch!

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Nyx's Pov:

As I slipped into a cozy pair of leggings and pulled on a plush, oversized cream sweater, I turned to Daphne with an eager grin. "You coming?" I inquired, my excitement palpable. Daphne glanced up from her magazine, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Where?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

I secured my hair with a sleek black ribbon, a sense of anticipation coursing through me. "To watch some Quidditch," I replied, my voice brimming with enthusiasm. Daphne wrinkled her nose in mild confusion. "But I thought the boys practice at 3?" she queried, her memory jogging for details.

As I rolled up a blanket and gathered some gloves, I explained, "Yeah, but I promised Hermione I'd come watch Ginny play." A flush crept into Daphne's cheeks, her hesitance apparent. "I can't... George," she confessed, her voice trailing off with uncertainty.

I sank back onto the bed, my curiosity piqued. "Why? What happened with George?" I pressed gently, my concern for my friend evident. Daphne waved her hand dismissively, her cheeks tinted with embarrassment. "Last night, before we all came to Tom's... something happened. I like him, Nyx," she admitted, her words tinged with vulnerability.

I was momentarily speechless, unsure of how to respond to Daphne's revelation. Picking up a sweatshirt, I tossed it in her direction, offering silent support. "But what about my parents and the boys?" I mused aloud, grappling with the implications of Daphne's confession.

After a moment of contemplation, I offered a tentative response. "Well, he is a pureblood," I ventured, acknowledging the societal pressures that often loomed over wizarding relationships. Daphne nodded thoughtfully, pulling on the sweatshirt with a small smile. "It's not serious yet. I'll stop overthinking for now. I'll come with you," she decided, her determination shining through.

Clapping my hands in excitement, I welcomed Daphne's decision, grateful for her companionship as we embarked on our Quidditch adventure together.

Clapping my hands in excitement, I welcomed Daphne's decision, grateful for her companionship as we embarked on our Quidditch adventure together

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