💚3 Amigos!💚

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Nyx's POV:

As we finally crossed the threshold into our expansive foyer, I relinquished my belongings to the waiting maid, swiftly turning my attention to the chaos unfolding before me. From the depths of the kitchen emerged Meatball, our beloved furry tornado, streaked with mud and accompanied by two equally filthy boys. Suppressing a laugh, I crouched down to halt the enthusiastic pup's antics, only to be greeted by a playful tap from Meatball in response to Mattheo's mock growl.
"Oh, Meatball, what trouble have you found now?" I mused aloud, receiving what sounded like an explanation in barks. Brennan, ever the joker, couldn't resist a quip about their muddy appearance, though the boys didn't seem quite as amused by his jest. Straightening up, I addressed Brennan with a fond smile, "Darling, if you don't mind, I think I'll spend some time with these two. Looks like they've had quite the adventurous day."
Mattheo, playing the part of the disgruntled child, piped up, "We're not your kids, you know." A nod of agreement from Fred, and then I replied with a smirk, "Hush now, boys, mommy and daddy are talking." Brennan and I exchanged amused glances before he planted a quick kiss on my lips. "Of course, darling. I'll be in the study if you need me," he murmured before disappearing down the hall.
With a contented smile, I guided Mattheo and Fred towards my spacious suite, leaving the chaos of the foyer behind us.


"Don't you think that's enough?" Fred's tone held a note of concern as he attempted to thwart Mattheo's relentless assault of bubbles into the already voluminous tub.
"Boys," I intervened, snapping them both to attention. I tried to maintain a stern facade, but it quickly crumbled as laughter bubbled up between us. Eventually, we were all chuckling at the absurdity of the situation.
With haste, I shed my clothes and slipped into the luxuriant, bubbly warmth of the bath. "This is pure bliss," I declared, motioning for the boys to join me, which they eagerly did. The tub, spacious and oversized, easily accommodated the three of us as we nestled together, limbs entwined.
"I've missed this," Fred murmured, sinking deeper into the water. "Me too," I echoed his sentiment.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Mattheo's concern crept back into his voice. I sat up slightly to meet his gaze directly. "Of course. Brennan understands everything," I reassured him, feeling Fred's comforting embrace from behind.
"Good, because we need this," Mattheo insisted, drawing closer to me. He planted a kiss on my lips before teasingly adding, "Fred isn't as good of a kisser." I couldn't help but giggle at his playful jab. "That's mean," Fred protested with a pout, only to be silenced by Mattheo's subsequent kiss.
We lingered in the bath for what felt like an eternity, but amidst the warmth and intimacy, a fleeting sense of unease washed over me. Watching Mattheo and Fred, their closeness seemed to deepen, while I couldn't shake the feeling of being gradually sidelined. Dumbledore's words about the evolving nature of our bond echoed in my mind, stirring doubts about my evolving relationship with Brennan and its impact on my connection with the boys.
Lost in thought, I was roused from my reverie by Fred's offer of a robe. As we ventured into the suite's main living area, we found Meatball blissfully asleep in his bed, a stark contrast to his usual mischief. Mattheo, ever the affectionate one, clung to me, commenting on Meatball's contrasting personas with a hint of amusement.
"I'm going to order some food," Fred declared, and I nodded in agreement, eager to forgo a formal dinner. Exhaustion crept over me, and I found myself yawning as I settled onto the bed, soon joined by the boys and Meatball. Mattheo nestled his head in my lap, while I leaned against Fred's comforting presence. As the soft sounds of Mattheo's snores filled the room, I savored the tranquility, reflecting on our bond and the journey that had brought us here.
"Everything okay?" Fred's voice broke the silence, and I offered him a reassuring smile. "Yes, just reminiscing about our time together," I replied, tracing back to our days in the dorm room, sharing pizza rolls and laughter. "Things may have changed, but our love remains," Fred whispered, his gesture of affection towards Mattheo a testament to the bond we shared.
My phone illuminated with a flurry of notifications, a reminder of the outside world encroaching on our sanctuary. As I responded to messages about plans for tomorrow, a sizable dinner cart arrived, prompting us to awaken from our reverie. With Mattheo and Fred by my side, we fashioned a makeshift picnic on the floor, savoring the simple joys of togetherness.
"Shopping tomorrow, then?" Fred inquired, and I nodded in agreement, recalling the upcoming ball hosted by the Malfoys. Mattheo's confusion prompted a playful exchange between him and Fred, leaving me giggling at their banter.
The remainder of the evening passed in tranquil harmony, just the three of us tangled together. Yet, beneath the surface, a longing stirred within me, a yearning for the warmth and presence of Brennan beside me.

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