Wednsday is the middle finger of the week!

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Nyx's POV:

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Nyx's POV:

Lost in the labyrinth of towering bookshelves, I meandered through the hushed aisles of the library, my fingers trailing over the spines of ancient tomes until they settled on one particular title: Tom. A mischievous impulse seized me, and with silent steps, I crept up behind him, enveloping him in a playful embrace. "Boo!" I exclaimed, a grin dancing across my lips.

With a resigned sigh, Tom closed the book he had been perusing, carefully returning it to its place on the shelf before turning to face me. "You might bear the name of the goddess of night, but you hardly inspire fear," he teased, his tone affectionate as he drew me into a warm hug, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. Stepping back slightly, I found myself gazing up at him, his imposing figure dominating the space between us.

A flicker of hesitation crossed my mind, and I voiced my concern softly. "We shouldn't do this," I murmured, my words laced with uncertainty. But Tom's embrace tightened around me, pressing me against the bookcase as he rested his head against mine. "Break up with Viktor and be with me," he implored, his voice earnest and pleading. "Let's risk it all, let's defy convention, but let it be just you and me, Nyx."

I closed my eyes, inhaling the familiar scent of the his cologne, feeling torn between desire and apprehension. Drawing his face closer to mine, I surrendered to the pull of passion, our kiss igniting a primal fire within me. "I will consider it," I finally relented, my voice betraying a mixture of longing and doubt.

For a fleeting moment, Tom's steely demeanor softened, his gaze softening with emotion. But as I gently pushed him away, a sobering realization dawned upon me. "We should be more careful," I cautioned, acutely aware of the potential consequences of our clandestine affair. He nodded in solemn agreement, acknowledging the need for discretion, before selecting a book and retreating into the shadows, leaving me standing there, my heart in turmoil, amidst the quiet sanctuary of the library

Mattheo Riddle's POV

"Dude," Theo nudged my arm, a cigarette dangling from his lips, unlit. We both spotted Nyx entering the library, a flicker of curiosity lighting up our expressions. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Theo's voice held a hint of mischief as he rose from his seat, motioning for me to follow suit.

"I still think she's hiding something," I muttered, my gaze fixed on Nyx's retreating figure. With a shared understanding, we waited for her to disappear into the labyrinth of bookshelves before trailing behind her, our footsteps muffled by the silence of the library.

It was then that we stumbled upon an unexpected scene—Nyx embracing my brother, their affectionate display catching us off guard. My instinct was to confront them immediately, but Theo's firm grip on my arm held me back. "Stop, wait, watch," he whispered urgently, his tone betraying a sense of caution.

Crouching down beside him, my fist clenched in frustration, we silently observed as they kissed, their intimacy unfolding before us, oblivious to our presence. Not a word passed between us as we absorbed the shocking revelation, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air.

It wasn't until we were outside the library, the cool night air providing a welcome reprieve, that Theo finally broke the silence. He handed me a cigarette, his own already lit, before passing me the lighter. "Your brother looked happy," he remarked casually, his tone masking the complexity of the situation.

Taking a long drag from the cigarette, I mulled over Theo's observation before responding, my voice tinged with resignation. "My brother is the other woman," I admitted, the bitterness of the truth lingering on my tongue.

Theo smirked at my comment, a small laugh escaping him despite the gravity of the situation. "She can't do this to the Riddle family. She needs to know her place," he declared, his tone firm with conviction.

Shaking my head at his words, I couldn't help but acknowledge the irony of the situation. "You're acting more like Tom than Tom was. Hell, this year is going to be amazing at this rate," Theo quipped, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I chuckled softly, the tension of the moment momentarily eased by Theo's lightheartedness. "I'll never be Tom," I replied with a wry smile, a sense of resignation settling over me as I retrieved my phone, ready to take action and confront the reality of the situation unfolding before me.

 "I'll never be Tom," I replied with a wry smile, a sense of resignation settling over me as I retrieved my phone, ready to take action and confront the reality of the situation unfolding before me

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