The aftermath!

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~Back at the party~

As Enzo and Luna engage Draco in lighthearted conversation, their efforts to distract him momentarily succeed. However, their efforts are abruptly interrupted when a figure approaches, discreetly holding out a phone with a picture displayed on its screen.
Draco's attention is instantly drawn to the device, his eyes widening in shock as he takes in the image of Astoria running away with Regulus. The air seems to grow heavy with tension as silence falls over the group, broken only by the soft click of the phone screen.
Enzo and Luna exchange concerned glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. Luna's serene demeanor falters momentarily, her eyes betraying a flicker of worry as she observes Draco's reaction. Enzo's usually cheerful expression turns somber, a sense of foreboding settling over him as he watches his friend's world unravel before his eyes.
Draco's mind races with a whirlwind of emotions – disbelief, anger, heartache. The image before him shatters the illusion of the life he thought he knew, leaving him reeling in its wake. Astoria, the woman he loves, captured in a moment of betrayal with Regulus, a name from the past that now looms ominously over their shared history.
His fingers tighten around the phone, the screen illuminating his anguished expression. Questions swirl in his mind, each one more agonizing than the last. How could Astoria do this? Was their love nothing more than a lie? And what of their future together – is it now irreparably shattered?
Enzo and Luna exchange a wordless understanding, their concern for their friend palpable. With a gentle touch on Draco's shoulder, Luna offers a comforting presence, while Enzo stands by, ready to offer support in whatever form Draco may need.
In that moment, amidst the chaos of emotions and unanswered questions, Draco's world narrows to the confines of the image displayed on the phone screen – a stark reminder of the love he's lost and the uncertain future that lies ahead.

Mattheo's heart sank as he witnessed the turmoil etched on Draco's face. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned on his heel and sprinted through the crowd, his mind racing with a singular purpose – to find Nyx and Daphney and deliver the devastating news.
His footsteps echoed down the corridors as he hurried to the place where he knew Nyx and Daphney would be. Bursting into the hidden dressing room, he found them in the midst of laughter and chatter, their expressions lighting up as they caught sight of him.
"Mattheo, what's wrong?" Nyx asked, her voice tinged with concern as she took in his frantic demeanor.
"It's Draco," Mattheo gasped, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts. "Something's happened. You need to come with me, now."
Nyx and Daphney exchanged worried glances, their playful demeanor replaced by an air of urgency. Without a word, they followed Mattheo out of the room and into the bustling corridors of the party.
As they raced towards Draco, Mattheo relayed what he had seen – the sudden change in Draco's expression, the arrival of the mysterious figure with the damning photograph. With each word, Nyx and Daphney's worry deepened, their steps quickening in tandem with their racing thoughts.
Finally, they reached Draco's side, finding him still clutching the phone, his eyes fixed on the screen in disbelief. Nyx and Daphney exchanged a silent glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of the news.
"Draco," Nyx said gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "What happened?"
Draco looked up, his expression a mixture of anguish and confusion. "It's Astoria," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the din of the party. "She's... she's with Regulus."
Nyx and Daphney's breath caught in their throats, the gravity of the situation hitting them like a wave crashing over them. In that moment, they knew that their friend needed them more than ever.

As the revelry of the party waned and the guests departed, leaving only the core group behind at the Malfoy estate, a somber atmosphere descended upon the grand halls. Mattheo and Fred took charge of assisting Draco to his chambers, their solemn expressions betraying the weight of the situation as they prepared to keep a watchful eye over their friend throughout the night.

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