Meeting in the Astronomy Tower!

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Nyx's POV:

The ascent to the astronomy tower felt like a journey into the heart of the night itself, each step echoing with the weight of unspoken words and hidden truths. As I reached the pinnacle, the cool breeze caressed my skin, sending a shiver down my spine, and there, amidst the hushed whispers of the night, I found Mattheo, a solitary figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky.

Approaching him with tentative steps, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation gnawing at my insides, like a relentless shadow that refused to be cast aside. Mattheo stood at the railing, the faint glow of his cigarette casting an ethereal aura around him as he flicked ashes into the darkness below.

"I'm here," I announced softly, my voice barely a whisper amidst the stillness of the night. Taking a seat in one of the weathered chairs scattered across the tower, I waited, the silence stretching between us like an unbridgeable chasm, heavy with unsaid words and unspoken fears.

Mattheo's eyes, dark and intense, bore into mine with an intensity that made my heart race, his expression a tumultuous mix of concern and frustration. "You need to stay away from Tom," he implored, his voice edged with urgency, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of defiance rise within me.

"S-seriously, mind your own business," I stammered, my tone tinged with irritation as I brushed off his warning with a dismissive wave of my hand. But beneath the facade of nonchalance, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that threatened to consume me whole.

I watched as Mattheo's fist clenched at his side, a silent testament to the gravity of his concern, and with a resigned sigh, I shifted in my seat, crossing my legs and meeting his gaze head-on, the weight of his scrutiny almost suffocating in its intensity.

"Nyx, you can't use my brother just because you're lonely," he pleaded, his words cutting through the silence like a knife, stirring doubts and uncertainties that I had been trying so desperately to suppress. For a moment, I found myself questioning my own intentions, the depth of my feelings laid bare in the starkness of his gaze.

But even as his words gave me pause, I pushed myself to my feet, a surge of determination coursing through me as I sought to convey the depth of my emotions. "I promise you, I love him. It's just complicated," I insisted, my voice trembling with emotion as I struggled to articulate the tangled web of emotions that threatened to consume me.

As I turned to leave, Mattheo reached out, his hand closing around my wrist in a gesture of apology, but the sudden contact sent a jolt of fear coursing through me, and I recoiled instinctively, stumbling backward and nearly losing my balance in the process.

"Nyx, I'm so sorry," he murmured, his concern palpable as he bent down to help me up, but I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, the weight of my own turmoil too heavy to bear. "Nyx, are you...?" he began, his voice trailing off as he searched my face for answers, but I remained silent, lost in the maelstrom of my own thoughts and emotions.

"What the fuck, Nyx?" Mattheo's frustration was palpable as he settled down beside me on the ground, the cold stone floor serving as a stark reminder of the harsh reality we faced. I continued to stare at him, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, unable to find the words to express the turmoil raging within me.

"I can't, Krum. He's important to the Death Eaters, and Tom is unpredictable. I don't want to cause problems," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air like a shroud of despair. Mattheo let out a long sigh, his features softened by understanding.

"Fine, I'll keep both your secrets for now," he conceded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, but beneath the surface, I could sense the weight of his burden, the silent pact that bound us together in the shadows of secrecy and deceit. "Can't believe Tom is the better choice," he added with a wry chuckle, a hint of irony lacing his words, and for a moment, we shared a moment of shared understanding, a fleeting respite from the storm that raged within us.

We sat together in quiet companionship, the stars twinkling overhead like silent witnesses to the tangled web of emotions that bound us together, each lost in our own thoughts and uncertainties. Eventually, we parted ways, each consumed by the weight of our own secrets and the burden of the choices that lay ahead, but united by the unspoken bond that bound us together in the darkness of the night.

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