Here we go again Tom!

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Nyx's POV~

As I blinked, there stood Tom before me, a sudden apparition in the hallway of Hogwarts. My eyes flickered over my neatly pressed uniform and the weight of my messenger bag, then darted to the figure of Daphney behind me, her expression blank zombie like.

"Tom," I breathed, his name heavy with emotion as it hung in the air between us. His gaze bore into mine as I hurriedly stepped out of my dorm, closing the door behind me. "You're back," he murmured, his voice sending a shiver down my spine as I pressed my back against the door, a barrier between us.
"Not for you," I managed to choke out, my voice betraying the turmoil within me. His next words hung in the air, a question that I struggled to answer. "Fred, then?" he inquired, but I could only shake my head, still grappling with the shock of finding myself thrust back into the first day of my sixth year at Hogwarts.
Reaching up, I tentatively touched Tom's jawline, feeling the warmth of his hand covering mine as his eyes searched mine for answers. "No, not Fred either," I whispered, trying to withdraw my hand, but his grip remained firm. "Then why?" he pressed, locking eyes with me, his forehead almost touching mine.
"For me," I admitted, my voice trembling with uncertainty. We both tensed as the sound of a distant door slamming shattered the fragile intimacy between us, and we pulled apart hastily. "Can I walk you to the dining hall?" he asked, his hand extended, but this time his gaze averted.
I hesitated for a moment before accepting his hand, allowing him to lead me down the corridor. Just before we reached the dining hall entrance, I let go of his hand abruptly, and he paused, turning back to face me. "You're back," he said quietly, his tone weighted with meaning.
This time, there was no hesitation as he leaned down to press a fleeting kiss to the top of my head. "See you Friday at Black Lake," he said, a hint of a smile dancing on his lips before his impassive facade returned, and he strode into the dining hall.
I stood there for a few moments, trying to steady my racing heart before finally gathering the courage to enter. Joining Pansy and Enzo at the table, I exhaled slowly, the weight of the moment still heavy on my mind.

I pushed the eggs around on my plate, my appetite nonexistent as Pansy and Enzo chatted about our class schedules. Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, I couldn't shake the image of Tom from my mind, nor could I fathom how I had been thrust nearly eight years back in time.
"Have you heard from him today?" Pansy's voice broke through my reverie, confusion etched on my face. With a laugh, Pansy clarified, "Viktor, did he call this morning?" It was then that the realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I was still dating Viktor in this timeline. Dropping my fork in shock, I quickly checked my phone, confirming his text message about talking after dinner.
As we prepared to head to our first class, I bid farewell to Pansy and walked alongside Enzo. "You okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. Stopping in my tracks, I sighed deeply. "I'm not sure," I admitted, uncertainty gnawing at my insides.
"Is it Tom?" Enzo queried before I could elaborate. "Yes and no," I replied cryptically, scanning our surroundings before pulling Enzo into a secluded side corridor. "I time-slipped," I confessed, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief.
"What?" Enzo gasped loudly, drawing the attention of passing students. Quickly covering his mouth, I urged him to be quiet, removing my hand only when we were sure we hadn't been overheard. "You can't tell anyone," I urged, my voice hushed but urgent.
Though hesitant, Enzo nodded, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Fine, but I've never heard of a time slip that big," he remarked, furrowing his brow in thought. "But your family has expertise in time travel," I pointed out, hoping for some insight.
"I'll dig into my great-grandfather's research and see what I can find," Enzo promised. Grateful, I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace, feeling a strange tension in his response before it melted away, and we resumed our walk to class.
"So, who do you pick in the future?" Enzo teased, attempting to lighten the mood. Slowing my pace, I considered how much to reveal. "Not who you would expect," I teased back, a playful twinkle in my eye as we entered the classroom, putting an end to the conversation, at least for now.

UniquelyUrquart!! (Hogwarts AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora