Bonus chapter | i

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Author's note: Suprise!! Look whose muse paid her a visit! 😅

I wasn't planning on writing more of Ben and June's story, but a couple of weeks ago I got inspired (probably because I miss seeing Ben more often and we've been talking a lot about him on Tumblr), and here we are.

So far there only are two bonus chapters and there may be a third one in the future, but I can't promise anything since I still don't know how I want to approach the topic it will be about if I end up writing it.

Also, these chapters don't continue the story where it ended, they happen some time after what you last read (this first one is like a year after or so). I just I hope I've managed to keep the vibes of their relationship and their dinamics. Sometimes that can be a bit tricky 😅

Anyway, hope you like it, and as always, thank you very much for reading! 💜

Bonus chapter nº 2 will be out next Thursday.


"I swear to God, Chilwell. If I trip or hit something and end up injured..."

"You'll fucking murder me, I know."

"Don't make fun of me" June said, moving her arms in the air, trying to hit him.

"Just keep walking and stop complaining."

"I'm playing against United tomorrow. If we win..."

"You'll be a step closer to winning the league, I know. I'm commenting the game, remember?" Ben chuckled. "Wait there."


"Just wait there, June" he said, moving around her and taking her hands. "Now, keep walking."

"Are you going to tell me why we are in the garden and I have to wear an eye mask or..."

"You are so impatient, Maxwell."

"Well, you promised me food and cuddles, and I am getting nothing!" she protested.

"Just a few more steps... Here. Stop."

"Can I get rid of this now?"

"You can."

"Finally" June sighed while taking off the mask, her eyes taking a minute to adjust to the light. "Now what?"

"Look at what you have in front of you" Ben said.

"That's... What is that?" she asked with a confused look.

"A raised bed garden" Ben smiled.

"A what?"

"It's like a little patch of land where you can grow your own vegetables or whatever you fancy."

"And why did I need to have my eyes covered to see this?"

"Because of that" he said, nodding towards the little envelope hanging from one of those tags people use to know where they've planted what. "It's for you, take it."

"Ok" June said, doing as Ben had asked her. Inside it, there was a key with a J keychain. "I... I don't understand."

"June" Ben said, grabbing her by the waist and making her look at him. "That's a key to my house. I know you already have one, but this one is different. Because I... Because I want it to be our house."

"You... what?"

"I want you to move in with me, June. You've basically been living here since we started dating, so why not do it permanently?"

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