Chapter 26

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Author's note: Hope you enjoy this chapter, and happy new year to those of you who don't follow me! 🫶🏻


"June... June, my phone is ringing. June, I have to pick up. I... fuck" Ben moaned, his phone slipping from his hand and hitting the floor.

"What the hell are you doing, Chilwell?" she said, sticking her head from under the duvet. "I almost bit your..."

"It's from work, I have to pick up" he said, reaching for his phone.

"Urgh, fine" she replied, resting her chin on his stomach.

"Hello? Yes, sorry. I had my phone charging and it was in another room. Yeah, yeah" he chuckled. "Wait, really? I... I don't know what to say... No, no. Yes. I want to do it. Yes, yes, don't worry. Ok, thank you. Bye."

"And? What is it? Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because my facts are back."


"I just got offered to comment the World Cup, June."

"You what?" she said, quickly sitting up.

"I'm going to Australia" Ben replied, also sitting up.

"You... You are coming with us? With me?"

"I am, yes" he said. "Apparently Sarina called them and asked them to convince me to go because she knows that without my facts you don't play at your best."

"Oh, shut up!" she laughed.

"I'm gonna be merciless, Maxwell."

"You've been a softie for too long, I don't think you can do that anymore" June teased him.

"Do you want me to show you how soft I am?"

"I'm waiting" she smirked.

"You asked for it" Ben said, putting an arm around her waist and throwing her in the bed while she just giggled. "But can I say something first?"

"A fact?" June asked, running her hands through his hair.

"Yes, a fact. The factest fact ever."


"I love you, June Maxwell."

"I know" she smiled.

"Are you going to run away now?"

"I can't. You have me trapped under your body. And my fingers are tangled on your hair. And I..."

"You what?" Ben said, caressing her cheek.

"And I'm not going anywhere. I'm not running away. I'm stuck with you, and you are stuck with me, Chilwell. And it's gonna be for a very long time." Because I love you too, she said to herself before kissing him.


"You are gonna end up breaking your neck, June" Lauren laughed.


"He's coming, he isn't running away like others do."

"Fuck you, James" June replied, showing her friend her middle finger.

"Can't wait to spend the next 20 hours with you" she laughed again.

Today was the day. They were finally flying to Australia for the World Cup. And they were sharing their plane with the English press, which meant that Ben was there too.

He and June had been facetiming daily since she had moved to St. George's Park with the team, and every free moment she had, they were texting, telling each other about their day or just sharing random thoughts that crossed their minds. She actually felt like a teenager in love for the first time.

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