Chapter 6

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"We shouldn't be going out tonight, Leah."

"Why not? It's New Year's Eve!"

"Because we both are playing in two days. We should be resting."

"Don't be a party pooper, June. It'll be fun, you'll see."

"Yeah, we'll see" she sighed. "Where are you taking me?"

"To this new club the girls were talking about the other day. It apparently is very exclusive, you need an invitation to go in."

"And you got us one?"

"I did. Perks of being Leah Williamson and June Maxwell" she smiled. "Oh, shit."

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look amazing, June. Like... wow. If you were into girls, I would definitely hit on you. I may actually hit on you even if you aren't."

"You're gonna make me blush, Miss Williamson" she smirked.

"You're welcome, Miss Maxwell" Leah replied with a matching smile. "And you know, we should take a photo together and post it, show the world how hot we look to welcome the new year."

"Do we really have to?" June said.

"Yes, come here."


"Fucking hell, bro."


"Look" Mason said, showing Ben his phone. "Can you imagine we cross paths with them tonight?"

"I hope not. I don't want to start the new year with June Maxwell around me."

"Not even when she looks this hot?"

"She looks ok" Ben said. But that was a lie. She looked stunning.

"Ok? Just ok? Chilly, she looks fucking hot. I know you don't like her, but you can't deny it."

"Meh" he shrugged.

"Well, unlike you, I'm not blind and I would not mind starting the new year with her around me. And on me. She is fire, bro."

"Mase, I don't care about Maxwell's sexual life. Besides, didn't she break your heart? Why do you want to sleep with her again?"

"Because one, she looks amazing, two, I haven't been with anyone in months and I'm horny as hell, and three, we already know what the other likes and how. It will be perfect."

"But you could have any of the other girls you've been with, you know? It doesn't have to be her."

"Jealous?" Mason asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Of course not!"

"Then why does it bother you if I sleep with her or not?"

"Because you two already have history and you are my best friend. I worry about you."

"Sure, Chilly. Sure" Mason laughed.

"Whatever" Ben replied, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, are we leaving or not? I'm sure it is gonna be packed since it is a new club."

"Yeah, yeah, we are leaving. But imagine that we actually see them..."


"Three, two, one... Happy New Year!" everyone at the club screamed.

"Happy New Year, June!"

"Happy New Year, Leah!" she replied, hugging her friend. "But I need to go to the bathroom."

"What? Already?"

"I've been peeing myself since last year!"

"June!" Leah laughed.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself" she shrugged. "Wait for me here, ok? Don't go anywhere."

"What if I cross paths with the woman of my dreams?"

"I thought I was the woman of your dreams."

"And you are, love. Just not tonight."

"Ok" June chuckled. "Try not to disappear. There are so many people here..."


"Hey, careful!" June said after someone pushed her.

"Watch where you are going, bitch."

"Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf or something... bitch."

"Say that again if you are brave enough."

"Bitch" the other girl grinned.

"You..." but June couldn't finish her sentence or do what she wanted to do, someone grabbing her by the waist and away from the girl who was insulting her.

"I knew you weren't the cleverest of them all, but getting into a fight in a club's bathroom? That's beneath you, Maxwell."

"Chilwell? What are you doing here?"

"Saving you from showing up at your next game with a black eye. You're welcome" he smiled.

"I didn't need saving, I had it all under control."

"Sure" he chuckled.

"I did" June replied, crossing her arms over her chest. That was when Ben finally dared to properly look at her. She had looked hot in the photo Mason had showed him, but it was nothing compared to how good she looked in person. When had June Maxwell gone from just a pretty girl to a bombshell? "Chilwell, stop checking me out."

"What?" he said, feeling his cheeks get warm. Thank God they were in a kind of dark corner and she couldn't notice.

"You were checking me out."

"I was not."

"Yes, you were."

"Ok, what if I was, uh? What if I was checking you out, Maxwell?" he asked, taking a step closer towards her, the few drinks he had had suddenly making him feel very brave.

"That's..." But she wasn't able to find the right words. She was too distracted by the way Ben was looking at her, by how good he looked that night. His beard was a bit longer than usual, his curls completely free. Were they as soft as they looked? And his lips... Dear God, he had the most kissable lips she had ever seen.

"Now you are the one checking me out, Maxwell" he smirked.

"What?" she said with a nervous laugh.

"You are, June" he said, closing most of the space between them. "But I don't mind."

"You don't... Ben, are you drunk?"

"Intoxicated. By you" he said before kissing her, both of them feeling electricity run through their bodies when their lips touched.

"What the fuck, Chilwell!" she said, slapping him and taking a step back.

"I'm sorry, June. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened, I just..." But he wasn't able to keep apologising, her arms wrapping around his neck and kissing him again.

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