Chapter 15

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"June, are you alright?" Vittoria asked.


"You've been so... off. Did something happen?"

"No, nothing."


"I guess I'm just a bit sad that the season has ended. It's been a good one."

"It has, yes. We may have only won the league, but that is huge."

"It is" June smiled. "So, how do I look?"

"Ugh, stunning. Me?" Vittoria said, doing a twirl.

"Also stunning. That photographer you fancy will have a hard time trying to not take photos only of you."

"Let's hope so" she sighed. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Is Chilly going to the party?"

"I don't know. And I don't care, to be honest."

"Oh my God, June. What did you do?"

"Nothing" she shrugged.


"I did nothing, Vittoria. Why does it have to be me the one who did something?"

"You are actually right. He could have also done something, you both are equally stupid."

"Thank you" June replied, rolling her eyes.

"But something did happen, didn't it? Is that why you are acting weird?"

"Vittoria, nothing happened. Ben and I are just friends."

"Oh so that's it, then... He just wants you to be friends. Please tell me that's it and not that you fucked things up."

"I don't want to talk about it, so can we please go? If we are late Lauren is gonna get mad, and neither of us want to deal with that."

"Ok, fine. I'll stop asking. But June..." Vittoria said, taking her hand. "I'm your friend. You know you can trust me and tell me anything. About Chilly or about whatever."

"I know, and I'm very thankful for it" she smiled. "Shall we?"

"Yes, let's go party Chelsea style" Vittoria chuckled.


"Congratulations on that award, June."

"Thank you, Mason."

"You look gorgeous tonight, by the way."

"You also look very nice yourself."

"Thank you" he smiled. "Though anyone looks good on a suit."

"I beg to differ" June said. "You can wear the best suit out there, that if the person wearing it doesn't have it..."

"And do I have it?" he smirked.

"You know you do, Mason. You know you do" she replied with a matching smile.

"Fancy a drink?" he asked.

"Sure" June replied, taking the arm he was offering her.


"June, are you sure about this?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. Aren't you and Chilly..."

"We are friends, Mason."

"That's what he said, but are you really sure? Because he is my best friend and I don't want to make things awkward or anything."

"We are just friends, nothing else. So shut up and kiss me, Mount."

"As the lady commands" he smiled.


"Fucking hell, John. You scared me!" June said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too, sis. Looking for this?"

"Give me that" she said, snatching her underwear from his hand.

"I'm gonna have to disinfect that table, I can't leave my keys there anymore. God knows what you did there."

"You are so not funny, John" she said.

"Did you fuck anywhere else? The sofa? The dining table? I've heard you in the shower, but I guess the water has cleaned that already. Unless you did it against the sink. That will need disinfecting too, I wash my teeth there."

"John, shut up!" June said, her face burning.

"It's ok, sis. I'm happy for you. Ending the season with a bang... Or a few" he laughed.

"I hate you."

"I love you too" he smiled.

"June, have you seen my... Oh, John, hey."

"Mason?" he said, looking from him to his sister, his eyes wide.

"What are you looking for, Mase?" June said, ignoring John's look.

"My watch. I remember I took it off because it bothered me and now I can't find it."

"Have you checked under the bed?"


"And between the bed and the bedside table?"

"I have not. I'm gonna look there" he smiled before leaving the kitchen.

"Mason? He's the one you slept with? What about Chilly?"

"What about him?"

"I thought you two were going somewhere."

"We are just friends" she said, nervously folding and unfolding her underwear.

"June, what did you do?"

"Why do you all think I did something? Why can't it be him?" she said, raising her voice.

"Maybe because we all know how you like running away when things start to get serious with a guy?"

"I don't do that!"

"June, hey" John said, taking the piece of clothing from her hands before she tore it apart. "I'm your brother. You know you can tell me anything."

"I know" she whispered.

"Then tell me what happened with Chilly."

"Nothing" she said, wiping away a tear.

"June, please."

"He said he was falling in love with me, ok? And I freaked out and I left."

"Chilly is in love with you?"

"Mason" June gasped. She hadn't heard him come back.

"You said you were just friends. That there was nothing between you two."

"And there isn't."

"But he is in love with you, June. I just heard you say it. You lied to me. Both of you did."

"Mason, I can explain."

"There is nothing to explain. You used me, and now my friendship with Chilly may be over. Hope it was worth it" he said, leaving the kitchen.

"Mason, wait."

"Let him go, June" John said.

"No! I can't! I have to talk to him and..."

"And say what, uh? That you slept with him to try to forget that his best friend is in love with you?"

"I... I... fuck!" she said while kicking a chair, hearing the door of the apartment being closed with a loud bang. "I'm an idiot."

"You are a bit of an idiot, yes."

"And now I've lost them both" June cried.

"Hey, it's ok, sis. Come here" John said as he hugged her, her sobs making her whole body shake. "It's ok. It's gonna be ok."

But June wasn't so sure about it.

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