Chapter 8

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"Now let's talk about what changed the game for Chelsea: June Maxwell's red card. That was the first of her career, wasn't it?" Andrew asked.

"It was" Jacob said.

"I honestly don't know what crossed her mind to do a tackle like that. It was a very stupid thing to do."

"She's been very unfocused since the year began."

"She actually has, yes. She's been all over the place for the last few games, and to be honest, this was bound to happen. What do you think, Chilly?" Andrew asked him.

"What?" Ben said.

"Maxwell's red card. What do you think about it?"

"Oh, yes. Sorry."

"You've also been a bit unfocused lately. Is there something on the water?" Jacob laughed.

"Maybe" Ben chuckled. "But about June... She's been having a few tough games lately, she's been very frustrated. But the version of her we saw today... that isn't her. She isn't a violent player. Intense, yes. But not violent. This break will probably do her good, physically but especially mentally."

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say nice things about June Maxwell?" Andrew laughed. "Maybe it isn't the water and you are sick, let me check your temperature."

"This is serious, Andrew" Ben said, stopping his colleague as he moved to touch him. "When a player suddenly changes the way they play and gets to this point, to basically being unrecognisable on the pitch, something may be going on."

"He is right" Jacob said. "We never know what may be happening behind closed doors, and we all should always keep it in mind. Especially if we are tempted to write some nasty things online."

"I agree on that. I'm sorry" Andrew said. "And June, if you are watching this... Take your time. We all will be waiting for you. Chilly included."

"Me included" Ben said while looking straight into the camera, hoping she was actually watching them that day. Because he knew that June getting that red card had been all his fault, and he needed to do something about it.


"He said nice things about you."

"I don't care."

"And he kind of apologized."

"And I don't care, Leah" June said over the phone.

"Then maybe you should. You are suspended for the next three games, spend some of that time thinking. And properly."

"Whatever" she replied. "Someone is at the door, I must go."

"Try not to kill them, we have enough with the punching and the kicking."

"Whatever. Goodbye, Williamson."

"Goodbye, Maxwell" Leah sighed before hanging up.

"I heard you the first time!" June said as her doorbell sounded again. "Chilwell?"

"Shouldn't you check who it is before opening the door? What if I was a murderer?"

"You are worse than that."

"I missed you too" he chuckled. "May I come in?"

"Why would I allow that?"

"We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Not even if I've brought you a peace offering?" Ben said, showing her what he had been hiding behind his back.

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