Chapter 24

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Author's note: Chapter 24 of 29... 👀 Also, to those of you who just read this story and don't follow me, happy holidays and merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! 💜


"I want to be a cat" Reece said.

"What?" Ben laughed.

"Look at Pepper. He has all the girls' attention!"

"He's cute."

"I am cute too."

"Yeah, but his hair has never been green" June chuckled, walking towards them. "Hi."

"Hi" Ben smiled.

"And... that's my cue to leave" Reece said. "I'm gonna see if I can convince Leah to share her pizza."

"Good luck" June laughed.

After the game they all had gathered at her place, John buying pizza and drinks for everyone to celebrate that "my little sister is finally back and I won't have to see her ugly face all the damn time", which had made everyone laugh. Everyone but June, who simply rolled her eyes.

"You were amazing today."

"I played for 5 minutes. I didn't have time to do anything."

"They were 5 amazing minutes."

"I think you are a bit biased, Chilwell."

"With you? Yeah, I've always been. Though this time it's different."

"How so?" June asked, moving closer.

"All my facts are positive now."

"You have gone so soft, Chilwell" she laughed.

"You make me go soft, Maxwell" he whispered, closing the space between them a bit more.

"You can't kiss me here" June whispered back.

"They won't mind. They all know what is going on between us."

"And what is that, if I may ask?"

"I like you, and you like me."

"I don't like you, Chilwell."


"I'm not lying, I don't like you. But I do..."

"June, I think your cat just farted on me!" Reece said.

"Jesus fucking Christ" she muttered. "And what do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know. Take him to the bathroom?"

"He can go himself, he's a big boy."

"June, it actually smells really bad" Leah laughed.

"Urgh" she groaned, the moment she and Ben were having gone.

But maybe it had been for the best, because she had almost told him that she loved him, and she was starting to feel like it would have been a mistake. That wasn't the place nor the moment to do it, and what if he didn't love her back? Mason was convinced he did, but what if he was wrong? What if Ben wasn't ready for that yet? And was she even ready for it?

"June, are you ok?" Ben asked her, bringing her back to reality.

"Yes, yes, don't worry. I'm gonna go check what's the problem with Pepper."

"Ok" he replied. "But Maxwell" he said, taking her hand on his as she moved, his thumb doing small circles on her skin and sending goosebumps all over her arm. "You owe me a kiss."

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