Chapter 13

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"Are you ready for Sunday's game?" Ben asked.

"I was born ready" June smiled.

"If you win, the league is yours."

"No way, really?"

"You can't be sarcastic and smile at the same time, Maxwell. It loses all its meaning."

"Shut up and keep cutting that tomato" she said, trying really hard to stop smiling like an idiot.

She and Ben had kept seeing each other even more often, spending most of her free afternoons and nights at his house since she still shared her flat with John, and they would usually follow the same routine.

She would buy some food after training, they would cook it together, and then eat it while watching something on tv until one of them fell asleep. Nine times out of ten, that would be June. Since she didn't like driving that late at night, she would stay at Ben's, always in the same room. By now, it felt as if it belonged to her.

She had some clothes in the closet to get changed, a toothbrush and some creams in the bathroom, an extra blanket on the bed for when she got cold, a phone charger.... And if you asked Ben, he would tell you that it already smelled of her, of that perfume she always wore and that reminded him of his summer holidays in Spain.

In the mornings, and if June didn't have training, they would go out for a walk around the neighborhood before going back home and making breakfast, sitting together once again to eat and just talk, getting to know each other more and more. They weren't seeing the other as June Maxwell and Ben Chilwell anymore. They were just June and Ben. Two friends who occasionally made out.

"Are you doing anything special after the game?" he asked.

"Celebrate" she smirked.

"And if you don't win?"

"We are winning, Chilwell. Stop trying to jinx it."

"I'm not trying anything" he said, lifting his hands.

"Careful! You have a knife there!"

"Oh, sorry" he said, putting it down.

"That was dangerous, Ben."

"I know, I'm sorry" he said, kissing her cheek.

"Being cute won't make me forget that I had a knife next to my eye."

"It wasn't next to your eye" he laughed.

"That's what you say. You weren't paying attention."

"I'm sorry" he said, kissing her cheek again and hugging her from behind.

"Ben... Stop."

"Why?" he asked, now kissing her neck.

"Because I also have a knife, and you are distracting me."

"Am I?" he said against her skin, sending goosebumps down her spine.

"Ben... please."

"Ok, fine" he chuckled. "But only because that burger smells amazing and I'm famished" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you" June replied, trying to focus on what she was doing and not on how close Ben's body had been to hers, on how he had made her feel.


"How does it feel lifting the league trophy, June?" Andrew asked.

"Honestly... best feeling ever" she said, a big smile on her face.

"How are you going to celebrate?"

"I don't know yet. We may wait until the party on Tuesday with the boys to do something big and celebrate both titles together. But I heard there is pizza in the changing room, so that's a beginning" she laughed.

"I like how that sounds" Jacob said. "What about you, Chilly? Anything to add?"

"Just congratulations. And behave yourself, Maxwell. I may have gone soft on you this season, but that may not happen on the next one" he smirked.

"I'll try" she winked, noticing how Ben's cheeks had turned a shade darker.

"Ok, I think we can let June go eat that pizza" Andrew chuckled.

"I think we can, yes" Jacob said. "Enjoy the summer, June. You deserve it."

"Thank you, guys. You too" she smiled. "And you keep an eye on your phone" she whispered to Ben once her microphone was off.


"Are we doing something tomorrow or not?" Vittoria asked.

"I think I'm gonna be too tired, to be honest" Lauren yawned. They were on the bus on their way back to London, most of their teammates taking a nap or just catching up with their families after celebrating at the stadium.


"I have plans" she said, her eyes fixed on her phone.

"Plans? With whom?"

"With Chilly, obviously" Lauren chuckled. "Are you taking your relationship to the next base?"

"There is no relationship" June replied, rolling her eyes.

"But whatever you have going on is going to the next base, isn't it?"

"I would not complain if it happened" she smirked.

"June!" Vittoria laughed.

"What? The last time we met he was touchier than usual and I've been horny since then. I need a release."

"Did she drink anything?" Vittoria asked Lauren. "She had never been this... open about her feelings for him."

"I don't have feelings for him."

"Of course you don't, June. Of course you don't" Vittoria said.

"Lauren, what is it?" June said, ignoring her other friend.


"You are giving me Leah's judgy look. What is going on inside that head of yours?"

"It's nothing. I'm just trying to decide when you are going to fuck up things with Chilly" Lauren shrugged.

"Lauren! Don't be like that" Vittoria said. "This may work out, he may be the one!"

"He might, yes. But we both know June, and she could still ruin it."

"Love the confidence" June replied. "But he isn't the one or the love of my life. He is just a friend."

"Yeah, yeah. A friend you don't have feelings for and that you want to shag just because you are horny."

"Exactly" she said, trying to keep all the things she had been feeling for him lately locked in the back of her head. All the times he had made her heart skip a beat with something he had said or with a smile. All the times she had felt funny things on her stomach when he had kissed her, touched her. They were just friends and nothing else, she couldn't allow herself to think otherwise. It was too scary, and as

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