Chapter 21

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Author's note: This chapter happens a couple of months after he previous one. Just letting you know in case it is a bit confusing.


"Girls, you don't need to come with me. I'm just going to jog on the grass, nothing else."

"But it is the first time you are doing it since you injured your knee, June!" Lauren said.

"And we are really proud of you, so we are joining you" Vittoria added.

"What about your training session?"

"We told the gaffer we will be a bit late, don't worry. Shall we?"

"Ok, fine" June sighed.

After many hours working in the gym and the pool and spending time with the physios, she had finally gotten the green light to go outside onto the pitch and do some light running. There still were a few months left before the World Cup, and everyone was being very optimistic about her being able to make it. She just needed to keep working hard and stay focused on her goal.

"What the..." June gasped as she walked outside.

"Surprise!" Vittoria and Lauren said, hugging her from behind.

"What... what is this?"

"Thought we were the only ones proud of you?" Lauren said.

"I... I..."

"Aww, June" Vittoria said, wiping away a tear.

Her whole team was waiting outside for her, doing the usual passageway they do for the winners of a trophy. Though this time, it was just for her.

"Will you girls walk with me? I can't do this alone."

"Of course" Lauren said while holding her hand, Vittoria doing the same on her other side.

"Ok, then" June said, taking a deep breath. The moment she took the first step forward, everyone started clapping, making her cry and smile at the same time.

"C'mon, Maxwell!" someone shouted.

"Reece? What... Oh my God."

It wasn't only her teammates waiting for her. The men's team had also joined them, some staff members too.

"Everyone wanted to be here for you, June" Lauren smiled.

"And when we say everyone, we mean everyone" Vittoria said, nodding towards their left.

"Mason?" June whispered. He was there. He was actually there, smiling at her. And it looked like an honest smile, because his dimple was showing.

"I... I don't know what to say" she mumbled when she made it to the end, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "It means so much that you are here today. All of you" she said, looking at Mason. "Never in a million years would I have expected something like this, so thank you very much, everyone. Thank you."

"Three cheers for June Maxwell!" Reece shouted again.

"Oh my God, he is so lame" Lauren said, making June laugh before everyone started chanting.


"Pst, Maxwell. Maxwell!" someone called when June was leaving the changing room.

"Ben? What are you doing here?"

"I came to watch you on the grass for the first time" he smiled.

"You... you did?"


"But I didn't see you. Where were you?"

"At the offices. I came with the excuse of visiting some old friends from when I was still playing."

"Oh, I... Thank you."

"I'm so proud of you, June" Ben said, walking towards her. "You are gonna make it to the World Cup."

"We'll see" she replied, nervously playing with the strap of her bag.

"I know you will. I believe in you" he said, his hand suddenly next to her face, his fingers caressing her cheek before putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you" June whispered, the butterflies on her stomach going crazy.

"Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask, Ben" she chuckled.

"You already punched me once, I don't want to risk it" he smiled.


"Can I or not?"

"Of course you can" she said before his lips found hers.

"Oh my God!"

"Mason!" June said, quickly moving away from Ben. "What are you doing here? You scared the hell out of me."

"I work here" he replied.

"I meant now. Shouldn't you be in training?"

"We... Chilly, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah" he said.

"Ben, you are too pale. Are you sure you are ok?" June asked, touching his face.

"I'm fine, I just..."

"Mason, help me!" she screamed as Ben's eyes started to close.

"Chilly! Chilly, hey!" he said, holding his friend and helping him sit down on the floor. "Chilly, can you hear me?"

"I... I don't feel ok" he said. "June..."

"I'm here" she replied, taking his hand on hers. "I'm here."

"June, I..."

"Ben! Ben, wake up!" she cried as his eyes closed once again, his body going limp. "Ben!"

"I'm going to find a doctor" Mason said before disappearing through the corridor.

"Ben, please. Wake up. Wake up, please, please" June sobbed while holding him. "Please, wake up. You can't leave me, Ben. You can't. Please."

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