Chapter 11

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"Maxwell? What are you doing here?"

"Hello to you too, Chilwell. May I come in?"

"Sure" Ben said. "But what are you doing here?"

"Today after training some of the girls were talking about meeting with their partners to watch the game all together and I remembered that you are still recovering and will probably be watching it alone because your only friend is playing, so I thought... Why don't I pay Chilwell a visit?"

"So the girls were talking about their partners and you thought about me? What are you trying to tell me, June?" he smirked.

"Why do you have to take everything out of context?" she replied, rolling her eyes. "They reminded me about the game, which reminded me of Mason, which reminded me of you."

"Ok" he said, still smiling. "But I have more friends that Mason and you know it."

"That's what you say."

"Whatever. What have you brought there?"

"Dinner" June said, lifting the bags in her hands. "I thought we could make some homemade pizza and watch the game. You like pizza, don't you?"

"I do, yes."

"Great" she said, starting to walk towards the kitchen. "I don't know what you like to put on it, so I just bought a bit of everything."

"Pineapple too?" Ben asked. "No pineapple, ok" he laughed after seeing the look June gave him.

"Do you like pineapple, tho?" she asked.

"Only for dessert."

"Good answer."

"They say it is aphrodisiac."

"Wrong answer" June replied, rolling her eyes again. "Besides, you have to rest. That type of exercise isn't recommended."

"Says who?"

"I do" she said, taking everything out from the bags and organising it.

"Didn't know you were a doctor now."

"I am no doctor. But you said she recommended you a quiet life for a few days, and that isn't being quiet precisely."

"Does that mean you aren't quiet, June Maxwell?" Ben asked, trying to play it cool despite his mind going back to what Mason had said about her being fire, his body starting to get... excited just by the thought of it.

"Men" she scoffed, opening the fridge and putting some things inside, hoping that it would hide the blush on her cheeks at the mere thought of she and Ben... "Have you ever made pizza from scratch?"

"You mean... the dough and everything?"

"Yes. Everything."

"Nope, never."

"Then congratulations, Mr. Chilwell. Today will be your first time. And don't take that out of context too" June warned him.

"I won't, I'll behave" Ben smiled.


"They look pretty good."

"Let's hope they also taste good" June said, closing the oven. "Now it's time for the boring part: cleaning and waiting."

"You clean, I wait."


"I must rest, remember?" Ben said, giving her an innocent smile.

"You... urgh" she groaned.


"What now, Chilwell?"

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