Chapter 22

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Author's note: I have no idea about heart issues, so I don't know if what is explained in this chapter makes any sense. Same with June's injury. So if there is someone reading this story who knows about medicine... I'm sorry 🙈 Remember that this is fiction 😅


"Here you go."

"Thank you" June said, taking the small cup of coffee Mason was giving her.

"Isn't it taking them too long?" he said, sitting down next to her.

"I don't know. I guess they want to run all the tests they can to make sure they know what happened."

"That I scared him and gave him a heart attack. That's what happened."

"Mason, it wasn't your fault."

"Yes, it was" he said, resting his head against the wall. "You said it yourself, I scared the hell out of you. Imagine how he must have felt."

"If what happened was your fault, then it also was mine."

"What? How?"

"We were kissing. I could feel my heart beating against my chest like crazy, so I guess his was going through something similar too. Then you add the scare and..." June shrugged.

"His best friend and the girl he loves giving him a heart attack. Great" Mason sighed.

"He doesn't love me."

"Oh, c'mon June" Mason said, rolling his eyes.


"Chilly loves you and you love him."


"Don't you dare saying that you don't, because after what happened today, you can't keep denying it. I saw you, June. I saw the way you reacted when he fainted, the fear in your eyes. I still don't know how I managed to make you stop crying and shaking" he chuckled.

"He's my friend" June replied, playing with the plastic cup in her hands.

"And you love him. But not in the way you love Lauren and Vittoria. You love him in the way I wished you had loved me."

"You what?"

"I fell in love with you, June. Head over heels. I only told you I had feelings for you because if I told you how I was truly feeling, I knew I would scare you off. Though little did I know..."

"I'm sorry. But I..."

"I know. It's ok" Mason said, taking her hand on his.

"Do you still..."

"Love you? No, I don't. I think I needed you to break my heart and make me hate you to finally move on and let you go."

"I'm so sorry, Mase. I shouldn't have lied to you about Ben and then used you to try and forget about him and everything that was happening between us. It was stupid and the only thing I did was hurt the three of us and ruin your friendship."

"You didn't ruin anything. Though it was close" Mason chuckled.

"I'm sorry. But I just... I..."

"You freaked out."

"Big time, yes" June sighed. "Because I care about him, you know? Like, I truly do."

"I know" he said, giving her hand an encouraging squeeze.

"And I don't want to keep running away every time I start feeling something for someone, every time I have a chance to finally be happy and leave my past behind. I don't want to run away from him, Mason. From what I feel for him."

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