Chapter 10

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"Oh my god, June. Have you seen the news?"

"No, I haven't. Why?"

"They are reporting that Chilly had a heart attack" Lauren said.

"What?" she replied, almost choking with her food.

"Here, look. They say he is at the hospital and... June, where are you going?"

"To find Mason. The boys had a morning session too, right?"

"They did, Reece said we were gonna meet for lunch. But June, wait... June!" Lauren called after her as she left the cantine.


"Are you sure it wasn't a heart attack?"

"I'm sure, June. Relax" Mason chuckled. "He started to feel weird and dizzy, they called an ambulance just in case, and then decided to make him stay at the hospital for the night to keep an eye on him and make sure everything is ok."

"And is it?"

"It is, he is fine. He is back home, resting."

"Thank God" she sighed.

"Since when do you care so much about Chilly?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I don't care about him."

"You don't?" Mason laughed.

"Ok, maybe a bit. But it's just because I still feel bad about punching him at that party and kind of making fun of his problem."

"That was rude, yeah. Though he also was rude to you, so" he shrugged. "Anyway, he is fine, don't worry. Can I go have lunch now?"

"You can. Sorry" June smiled. "Though one last thing..."

"Now what?" Mason said, rolling his eyes.


"Maxwell?" Ben said after opening the door of his house.

"Thank God" June said, throwing herself at him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "You scared the hell out of me, you know?"


"When Lauren told me you had had a heart attack I feared the worst."

"I'm fine, June. I'm fine" he said, hugging her tighter. They stayed like that for a while, just hugging in silence, June's head resting on his shoulder, Ben's thumb caressing her skin where her t-shirt had lifted.

"Oh my God, Chilwell. Why are you opening the door?" June suddenly said.

"Because this is my house?" he chuckled.

"But you should be resting! Whoever is staying with you should be the one attending the door."

"I'm alone."

"You what?"

"I'm alone" he shrugged.

"Oh... my God. You just came from the hospital! They should be keeping an eye on you!"

"June, I told you I'm fine. If they sent me home it's for a reason."

"I don't care. Come" she said, breaking their embrace and taking his hand before dragging him inside.

"Please come in, June. Welcome to my house" Ben laughed.

"Shut up. Where is your room?"

"Aren't you going too fast? Like you just said, I just came from the hospital. And I haven't taken you out on a date yet" he smirked.

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