Chapter 2

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"As expected, there have been no surprises on the new England squad announcements for the Euro's qualifiers. But what do we think about the new captains, Rice and Maxwell?" Andrew asked.

"Fully deserved in my opinion. Both of them may be young, but they have what is needed, and they are already very successful in that role in their clubs" Jacob said.

"What do you think, Chilly?"

"Dec fully deserves it, I agree. But Maxwell... She is not ready to be Chelsea's captain, and she isn't ready to be England's either."

"And you are a moron" June said, turning off the tv.

"Hey, I was watching that!" John complained.

"And idiot bullying your sister?"

"June, he wasn't bullying you. He was just sharing his opinion."

"A stupid opinion" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "If both Chelsea and England have chosen me as their captain, it's because I'm worth it. Because I'm ready."

"Exactly. So stop caring about what he says and turn on the tv again."

"Maybe later. We have to talk about Wednesday's gala."

"What about it?" John sighed.

"I'm not going."

"What? Why not?"

"Because it is sponsored by Sky, which means that he will definitely attend, and I don't want to have to cross paths with him."


"I said no."

"If you don't go it would be as if you agree with what he says."


"Think about it. If you don't go because you don't want to see him, it'll be a childish move, which is something he always accuses you of, of being childish. But if you go despite knowing he will also be there, you'll show him that what he says doesn't affect you."

"And it doesn't."

"Then attend the gala. What are you wearing?" John asked.

"The Armani suit."

"What? No, no, no. You must look your best. You must make him uncomfortable."


"Turn him on."


"What? Imagine showing up there looking stunning, mingling around while he watches you, his mind wanting to hate you but his body wanting to..."

"Eww, John. Eww!"

"Oh, c'mon June. You were in love with him as a teen, I'm sure you thought about shagging him" John smirked.

"I did not. It was just a crush."

"They say he knows what he does, you know? That none of the girls he's been with have ever had a reason to complain, that they all give him five stars on the sex department."

"And that's information I didn't need to now!" she said, getting up from the sofa.

"Where are you going?"

"To see if I can find something else to wear on Wednesday."

"And make Chilwell hard?"

"Fuck you, John" June said, showing her brother her middle finger and leaving the room.


"Bloody hell" Andrew said.

"Oh, wow. She came to play, didn't she?" Jacob chuckled.

"Who?" Ben asked.

"June Maxwell. If I wasn't married..."

"As if she would pay you attention, Andrew. You could be her father!" Jacob laughed.

"Shut up!" he replied. "What do you think, Chilly? Smash or pass?"

"I would never smash... her" he said while turning around to look at June. She was talking with some other guests, laughing at something someone had said. And she looked... beautiful. And hot. She looked hot as hell.

He had always found her pretty, but that was it. He had never seen her look this good.

She was wearing a tight black dress that ended below her knees, her hair pulled back with some golden hair pins, a look he was sure had seen online before on some fashion show. But the model didn't look as hot as June did.

"Are you sure you would never smash her?" Andrew asked.

"Never" Ben repeated, taking a sip of his drink and finally managing to look away, trying to think of something that wasn't June Maxwell on that black dress.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, don't wo... Maxwell" Ben said, looking at the person he had bumped into.


"You should be more careful, you know?"

"So should you" she said.

"Whatever" he replied, rolling his eyes. "Congratulations on the award, by the way."

"Wait, wait, wait... Benjamin James Chilwell just said something nice about me?" June laughed.

"Don't get used to it."

"Yeah... you'll be back to talking shit about me this weekend."

"I just state facts" he shrugged.



"Lies" June repeated, taking a step forward and suddenly finding her face way closer to his than she expected.

"I'm not lying, Maxwell."

"Shut up."

"Make me" he smirked.

"I'm not falling for that, Chilwell."

"For what?"

"For that tacky pick up line."

"What?" he laughed. "I'm not flirting with you, Maxwell. Is that what you want, tho? Do you want me to kiss you?" he said, closing the space between them a bit more.


"Then why do you keep looking at my lips?"

"Because they are the ones saying stupid things."

"Sure" he smiled.

"Let me go."


"Your hands are on my waist, Chilwell. Let me go."

"Oh, sorry" he said, taking a step back. He hadn't realized he was touching her, that her body was that close to his, her hands resting on his chest.

"Thank you" she replied, clearing out her throat. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go find my friends."

"See you on Sunday, Maxwell."

"Looking forward to it, Chilwell" she replied, giving him her fakest smile and making him laugh. Idiot.

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